Dr. Zhaoxin Pu
Former Research Fellow
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research
Areas of Interest:
Economics of Innovation, Industrial Organisation, Organizational Economics, Empirical Methods
Academic Résumé
10/2015 - 07/2020
Junior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research)
Doctoral Candidate at the LMU Munich Graduate School of Economics, Graduate Programme ‘Evidence-Based Economics’
Doctoral Thesis: “Spillovers and Selection of Ideas – Firm-Level Evidence from Innovation Networks, Multinationals in China and Crowdfunding Platforms”
09/2012 - 08/2015
Economic Analyst, NERA Economic Consulting, London
09/2011 - 06/2012
Master Studies in Economics (M.Sc.), London School of Economics and Political Science
09/2010 - 06/2011
Consultant and Carlo-Schmid Fellow, International Trade Centre (UN/WTO), Market Research and Analysis, Geneva
07/2008 - 06/2009
Work Experience as Teaching Assistant and Student Research Assistant at the University of Mannheim and as an Intern at Allianz / Dresdner Bank Economic Research
09/2007 - 08/2010
Bachelor Studies in Economics (B.Sc.), University of Mannheim and Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Milan
Academic Prizes / Honours / Memberships
2011 - 2012
Haniel Scholarship from Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and the Haniel Foundation for Graduate Studies at the LSE
2010 - 2011
Carlo Schmid Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes for a Traineeship at the International Trade Center
2008 - 2012
Scholarship by the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft
2008 - 2009
Scholarship by the University of Mannheim and Dean's List
Discussion Papers
The Transmission of Sectoral Shocks Across the Innovation Network, CEPR Discussion Paper, DP17960.
(2023).- We use a firm-level panel of 13 European countries to assess how a sector-specific shock propagates through technological linkages across innovating firms in the rest of the economy. We find that the competition shock to the European textile sector, induced by the 2001 removal of import quotas on Chinese textiles, had a strong negative effect on non-textile firms' patenting and knowledge sourcing. These firms end up diversifying their patenting across more technological categories and start citing more (geographically and technologically) distant sources of knowledge. When aggregating data at the country level, the negative indirect effect on patenting of non-textile firms can be 3 to 5 times as large as the positive direct effect on textile firms.
- https://cepr.org/publications/dp17960
- Also published as: Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 23-08
- CRC TRR 190 Discussion Paper No. 229
The Transmission of Sectoral Shocks Across the Innovation Network, Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 23-08.
(2023).- We use a firm-level panel of 13 European countries to assess how a sector-specific shock propagates through technological linkages across innovating firms in the rest of the economy. We find that the competition shock to the European textile sector, induced by the 2001 removal of import quotas on Chinese textiles, had a strong negative effect on non-textile firms’ patenting and knowledge rcing. These firms end up diversifying their patenting across more technological categories and start citing more (geographically and technologically) distant sources of knowledge. When aggregating data at the country level, the negative indirect effect on patenting of non-textile firms can be 3 to 5 times as large as the positive direct effect on textile firms.
- Available at SSRN
- Also published as: CRC TRR 190 Discussion Paper No. 229
- Also published as: CEPR Press Discussion Paper No. 17960
The Transmission of Sectoral Shocks Across the Innovation Network, CRC Discussion Paper, No. 229.
(2020).- Recent innovation literature has documented the benefits of cross-pollination of ideas across a wide set of industries and technology fields in an economy. Industrial and trade policies, by contrast, tend to favor economic specialization through the promotion of selected sectors. In this paper we use a firm-level panel of 13 European countries to assess whether an industry-specific policy propagates across the network of innovating firms through technological linkages. Following the competition shock to the European textile sector, triggered by the 2001 removal of import quotas on Chinese textiles, we find that patenting and knowledge sourcing behavior of non-textile firms are negatively affected. At the aggregate regional level, this indirect effect on non-textile firms can be around three to five times larger than the direct effect.
- https://rationality-and-competition.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/229.pdf
- Also published as: Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 23-08
- Also published as: CEPR Press Discussion Paper No. 17960
Openness as Platform Strategy - Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Crowdfunding, Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 18-05. DOI
(2018).- A platform's decision to open up its marketplace is at the core of its business strategy. It needs to balance between the benefits of market thickness and the costs of potential congestion and quality concerns. We discuss how openness can increase platform value and test our hypotheses by analyzing the strategic decision of a leading crowdfunding platform to switch from access control to de facto openness. The decision increased market thickness on the previously access-controlled supply side of crowdfunding projects. The platform hereby gained market share from its main competitor. Market matches on the platform increased in absolute but not in relative terms. Moreover, quality on the supply side declined immediately, lowering platform value for demand-side users.
- Available at SSRN
Abhängigkeit der Pflegeversicherungsausgaben von der Entwicklung der Pflegewahrscheinlichkeiten, meaStudies, 12. Mannheim: MEA, Mannheim Research Institute for Economics of Aging.
(2015).Presentations and Lectures
The Transmission of Sectoral Shocks Across the Innovation Networks
EEA Congress, Rotterdam
Location: online
The Unintended Effects of Intended Effects of Trade Liberalization on the Sources of Learning
TUM Workshop on Innovation, Technological Change, and International Trade
Location: Heilbronn
The Unintended Effects of Intended Effects of Trade Liberalization on the Sources of Learning
MPI Junior Researcher Workshop 'From Science to Innovation'
Location: Munich
Openness as Platform Strategy - Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Crowdfunding
Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (SEI) Doctoral Consortium
Location: Munich
28. - 30.06.2018
Openness as Platform Strategy - Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Crowdfunding
2nd EBE Summer Meeting
Location: Ammersee