Prof. Dr. William R. Cornish († 08.01.2022)
External Scientific Member
Intellectual Property and Competition Law
Areas of Interest:
IP law
Academic Prizes and Honours
Former Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law
Cambridge University Barrister and Bencher of Gray's Inn
Honorary Queen's Counsel: Fellow of the British Academy
Edited Works
Encyclopedia of United Kingdom and European Patent Law. Releases 75 and 76 (March and October 2014), Thomson, Sweet & Maxwell, London 2014.
Interpretation of Patents in Europe. Application of Article 69 EPC (Intellectual Property), Heymanns, Köln; München [u.a.] 2006, XXXV + 305
Encyclopedia of United Kingdom and European Patent Law, Thomson, Sweet & Maxwell, London 1987 (
IIC. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Beck, München (
Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Books and Monographs
Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights (Classics Series), 8.
Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights, 7.
The Oxford History of Laws of England - Volume 13: 1820 - 1914 Fields of Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, LX + 1106
The Oxford History of Laws of England - Volume 12: 1820 - 1914 Private Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, CXXXI + 1190
The Oxford History of Laws of England - Volume 11: 1820 - 1914 English Legal System, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, LXV + 1276
Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights, 6.
Cases and Materials in Intellectual Property, 4.
Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights, 5.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Genetics - a study into the impact and management of intellectual property rights within the healthcare sector, Public Health Genetics Unit, Cambridge Genetics Knowledge Park, Cambridge 2003, 71
Contributions to Collected Editions, Commentaries, Handbooks and Encyclopaedias
The Origins and Structure of the TRIPS Agreement, in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (
- The essays in this volume focus upon the Trade-Related Intellectual Property Agreement, which is an important element in the constitution and practice of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Known to all as the TRIPS Agreement, it reached its twentieth anniversary in operative effect on January 1, 2015. It is unlikely that the text of the TRIPS Agreement will be substantially amended by the Member states of the WTO for at least another decade or two. Our contributors therefore take its current terms as a continuing authority in international law for its immediate future. They do so, however, questioning how far the Agreement was adequate for its own time and how far it remains so in a world that has been changing so extraordinarily during the intervening 20 years and doubtless will continue to do so for the twenty to follow.
Editorial Commentary contained in Release 43 and Release 44, in: Encyclopedia of United Kingdom and European Patent Law, Sweet & Maxwell, London 2013.
Contributions to Editorial Commentary contained in Release 41 and Release 42 (March and October 2012), in: Encyclopedia of United Kingdom and European Patent Law, Sweet & Maxwell, London 2012.
Secrecy and the Evolution of an Early Patent System, in: Patents and Technological Progress in a Globalized World. Liber Amicorum Joseph Straus (MPI studies on intellectual property, competition and tax law, 6), Springer, Berlin 2009, 751 - 761.
The Practice in the UK, in: William R. Cornish, Jochen Pagenberg (
Embryo Stem Cells and Intellectual Property, in: Homenaje a A. Bercovitz. Estudios sobre propiedad industrial e intelectual y derecho de la competencia. Colección de trabajos en homenaje a Alberto Bercovitz Rodríguez-Cano, 2.
Taking the Common Law to Poland, in: Prawo Prywatne Czasu Przemian – Festschrift für Professor Stanislaw Soltysinski, Universität Adam Miekiewicz, Poznan 2005, 45 - 54.
The Enforcement of Patent Rights in the United Kingdom, in: Christopher Heath, Laurence Petit (
Who Applies a Doctrine of Equivalence?, in: „...und sie bewegt sich doch!“ – Patent Law on the Move – Festschrift für Gert Kolle und Dieter Stauder zum 65. Geburtstag, Heymanns, Köln 2005, 115 - 121 (
The Copyright History of What-Must-Have-Been, in: Les cahiers de propriété intellectuelle - Mélanges Victor Nabhan, Yvon Blais, Cowansville 2004, 61 - 74.
Journal Articles
Intellectual Property in Britain - The Gowers Review, IIC 1 (2007), 1 - 5.
Procedures and Remedies for Enforcing IPRs: the European Commission´s Proposed Directive, EIPR 25, 10 (2003), 447 - 449 (
Developments in the United Kingdom: Privacy and the Press, Auteurs & media 4 (2002), 334 - 338.
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Research Papers
ALLEA Statement on Patent-Related Aspects of CRISPR-Cas Technology, ALLEA Secretariat, Berlin 2016, 7