Dr. Michael Mödl
Former Research Fellow
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research
Areas of Interest:
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Finance, Innovation, Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing, Strategic Management, Decision-Making, Venture Capital, Economic Policy
Academic Résumé
2013 - 2018
Junior Research Fellow and Doctoral Candidate, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research)
2015 - 2018
Ph.D. (Dr. oeconomiae publicae), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Doctoral Thesis: „Signaling Effects of Crowdfunding on Venture Investors' Decision Making“
2012 - 2016
Project Manager and Lecturer, LMU Entrepreneurship Center
2012 - 2015
Postgraduate Studies in Business Research (Master of Business Research), Munich School of Management, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
2012 - 2013
Research and Teaching Fellow, Institute for Innovation Research, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship (Prof. D. Harhoff, Ph.D.), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
2011 - 2012
Consultant, Siemens Management Consulting
Teaching Fellow, Chair of Marketing (Prof. Dr. H. Diller), Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
2004 - 2011
Professional experience (among others): adidas AG, Herzogenaurach/Germany; Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Berlin/Germany; European Parliament, Strasbourg/France; Mödl GmbH, Nuremberg/Germany
2004 - 2010
Studies in Business Administration and Economics (Dipl.-Kfm., M.Sc. equivalent), Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg/Germany, Harvard University/USA, EM Strasbourg/France, UIBE Beijing/China
Academic Prizes and Grants
Technology and Innovation Management Division Best Paper Award 2019 (Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston)
Nominated for the Academy of Management TIM Division’s Best Student Paper Award 2019 (Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston)
Heizer Doctoral Dissertation Award in New Enterprise Development 2019 Finalist (Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division)
Dissertation Award LMU Management Alumni 2018, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Steven Klepper Award for Best Young Scholar Paper 2017 (DRUID17 Conference, New York)
Best Doctoral Paper Award 2017 (Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, Lueneburg)
KSG Best Entrepreneurship Research Award 2016 (G-Forum conference, Leipzig)
Commencement Student Speaker 2010/11, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
ERASMUS scholarship for studies at Ecole de Management Strasbourg, France
DAAD scholarship for studies at Harvard University, USA
Academy of Management (AOM)
Entrepreneurial Finance Association (ENTFIN)
European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB)
European Economic Association (EEA)
Foerderkreis Gruendungs-Forschung (FGF)
Verein für Socialpolitik (German Economic Association)
Strategic Management Journal
Journal of Business Economics
Academy of Management Annual Meeting
G-Forum Review board
Articles in Refereed Journals
Two's a Company, Three’s a Crowd: Deal Breaker Terms in Equity Crowdfunding for Prospective Venture Capital, Small Business Economics, 57 (2), 927-952. DOI
(2020).- Crowd-based means of funding are emerging as a valid novel way of providing scarce seed-finance for entrepreneurial ventures. In recent years, securities-based variants such as equity crowdfunding or initial coin offerings (ICOs) are increasingly attracting higher funding amounts than reward-based models, in particular for commercially oriented ventures. However, securities-based crowdfundings also come along with the more complex contracts, since they introduce a large set of new shareholders in the firm, possibly with voting, information, and cash-flow rights. This might have implications for the ownership structure and future governance of a company, and in turn influence the evaluations by prospective investors. This paper is concerned with exploring potential knockout criteria in securities-based crowdfunding contracts and to what degree they serve as a deal breaker for the investment decision of subsequent professional venture investors. Using an explorative mixed methods approach, we find empirical evidence that, e.g., an inflated capitalization table owing to crowd investors holding direct securities in a company, redemption and voting rights by the crowd, as well as the non-existence of a drag-along clause, lead venture capitalists and business angels to refrain from an investment in an otherwise attractive but such-funded start-up firm. We conclude that contractual frictions play a decisive role in whether entrepreneurs can combine crowd-based means of funding with traditional forms of venture financing. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
- Also published at SSRN under the title: Two's a Company, Three's a Crowd: Contractual Deal Breakers in Securities-based Crowdfunding for Later-stage Venture Capital as Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 18-25
The Crowd for Lemons: Venture Investors Perceptions of an Equity Pecking Order, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019 (1). DOI
(2019).- Crowd-based means of financing are emerging as a novel way for entrepreneurs to secure scarce early-stage financing. With venture capital still being the most important source of funding for young innovative ventures in later stages, this raises the question of potential interactions between crowdfinancing and traditional forms of start-up funding. In this study we investigate whether professional venture investors perceive a seed-financing hierarchy by entrepreneurs, and whether this equity pecking order is affected by venture quality and could therefore serve as an uncertainty-reducing signal to prospective investors. Drawing on a choice experimental research design we find causal evidence that VCs believe that “lemons” (low-quality start-ups) have a higher relative likelihood of turning to crowd-based financing as first means of external equity funding rather than to traditional sources, than “peaches” (high-quality start-ups), suggesting a perceived negative selection bias for crowd-based financing. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
Crowdfinancing as a Determinant of Venture Capitalists' Selection Decisions, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 37 (2), 44-49.
(2017).- Crowdfinancing is emerging as a novel way for entrepreneurs to secure early-stage financing. With
venture capital still being the most important source of funding for growth-oriented ventures in later
stages, this raises the question of potential interactions between crowdfinancing and traditional forms
of start-up funding. In this study, we examine the impact and signaling effects that crowdfinancing has
on subsequent venture capital funding rounds. Drawing on a choice experimental research design we
find causal evidence that while the crowd itself is generally seen as a negative signal, it can generate
certain positive signals to which professional venture investors react. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
Zum Verhältnis von Spitzenforschung und Politikberatung: Eine empirische Analyse vor dem Hintergrund des Ökonomenstreits, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 14 (3-4), 346-378. DOI
(2013).Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Wirtschaftsdienst, 93 (8), 507-530. DOI
(2013). Warum engagieren sich nicht mehr ökonomische Spitzenforscher in der Politikberatung?, Leitartikel in: Haucap, Justus; Mödl, Michael; Schmidt, Christoph M.; aus dem Moore, Nils; Themann, Michael; Richter, Wolfram F.; Fratzscher, Marcel; Wagner, Gert G.; Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Koll, Willi: Entwickeln sich wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung und Politikberatung auseinander?,Discussion Papers
Is Wisdom of Crowds a Positive Signal? Effects of Crowdfinancing on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection, Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 18-15.
(2018).- The seed funding gap is still a major obstacle for the initiation of new ventures and diffusion of innovation. Crowdfunding – an innovation in the market for startup finance – could offer a new market-based means of partly closing this gap. However, crowdfinancing cannot be regarded as a complete substitute for venture capital funding, e.g. since it is not likely to fully finance a technology-based venture over time and because professional venture investors provide crucial resources besides capital. It therefore appears important to study the interaction between crowdfunding and more traditional forms of start-up finance. We examine the impact and signaling effects that crowd-based funding has on subsequent venture capital financing rounds. Drawing on a choice experimental research design and data on 5,280 decisions of 120 venture investors, our results indicate that “the crowd” generally is a negative signal for professional venture investors, but that they do not ignore positive signals sent by the crowd. We find causal evidence that start-ups with a prior crowd-investing (securities-based crowdfunding) tend to be not selected by venture investors, while high sums of (reward-based) crowdfunding, collected fast by startups with a B2C business model, can have a positive effect on VC managers’ funding decisions. Our results also suggest that traditional forms of pre-funding, i.e., prior business angel investments, by contrast significantly increase the likelihood of subsequent financing rounds. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
- Available at SSRN
Zum Verhältnis von Spitzenforschung und Politikberatung: Eine empirische Analyse vor dem Hintergrund des Ökonomenstreits, DICE Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven, 40.
(2013).- Der vorliegende Beitrag trägt einige empirische Belege zum Verhältnis von wirtschaftspolitischer Beratung und ökonomischer (Spitzen-)Forschung in Deutschland zusammen, um die fortwährende Debatte über dieses Verhältnis mit einer - wenn auch nur etwas - breiteren Datenbasis zu versehen. Dazu haben wir ausgewertet, (a) in wie weit Publikationen deutschsprachiger Ökonomen in ökonomischen Top-Journalen einen expliziten Bezug zu wirtschaftspolitischen Problemen im deutschsprachigen Raum aufweisen und (b) welche Ökonomen in der deutschen Politikberatung aktiv sind. Für Frage (b) wurde ausgewertet, welche Ökonomen in der Legislaturperiode 2005 bis 2009 (i) gutachterlich für die drei wirtschaftsnahen Ministerien für Finanzen (BMF), für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) sowie für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) tätig waren, (ii) um Stellungnahmen zu den korrespondierenden Anhörungen der Fachausschüsse im Deutschen Bundestag gebeten wurde und (iii) Aufsätze im Wirtschaftsdienst publiziert hat. Wie sich zeigt, sind dies größtenteils Ökonomen, welche weder aktuell noch in der Vergangenheit Spitzenforschung im Sinne des Handelsblatt-Rankings produziert haben. Zugleich zeigt unsere Inhaltsanalyse der Beiträge in Spitzenzeitschriften (Frage a), dass der Großteil der dort von deutschprachigen Ökonomen publizierte Beiträge keinen direkten Bezug zur Wirtschaftspolitik im deutschsprachigen Raum hat. Die Gesamtschau der Befunde legt nahe, dass nicht nur aktuell ein starkes Maß an Arbeitsteilung zwischen Politikberatung und Spitzenforschung existiert, sondern auch über den Lebenszyklus von Ökonomen hinweg.
- http://hdl.handle.net/10419/70823
Press Review
Die politische Wissenschaft
Article by Jan Willmroth, Süddeutsche Zeitung, p. 17, mentioning Michael Mödl
Article by Jan Willmroth, Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
Crowdinvesting: Im Schwarm in die Pleite
Article by Marcus Pfeil, Handelsblatt online, quoting Michael Mödl
Article by Marcus Pfeil, Handelsblatt (in German)
Crowdinvesting: Im Schwarm in die Pleite
Article by Marcus Pfeil, WirtschaftsWoche online, quoting Michael Mödl
Article by Marcus Pfeil, WirtschaftsWoche (in German)
Crowd-Investoren können kaum reich werden
Article by Peter Trechow, VDI Nachrichten, p. 25, quoting Michael Mödl
Article by Peter Trechow, VDI Nachrichten (in German)
Politik braucht Beratung
Article by Donata Riedel, Handelsblatt, p. 12, mentioning Michael Mödl
Article by Donata Riedel, Handelsblatt (in German)
Finanzkrise: Wo sind die Ökonomen
Article by Mark Schieritz, Die Zeit, p. 21, mentioning Michael Mödl
Article by Mark Schieritz, Die Zeit (in German)
Gespaltene Gesellschaft
Article by Hans Christian Müller, Handelsblatt, p. 13, mentioning Michael Mödl
Article by Hans Christian Müller, Handelsblatt (in German)
Politik ohne Wissenschaft
Article by Patrick Bernau, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung online, mentioning Michael Mödl
Article by Patrick Bernau, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (in German)
Presentations and Lectures
Venture Investors' Perceptions of an Equity Pecking Order
7th Crowdinvesting Symposium, HU Berlin
Location: Berlin
Strategic Investors in Equity Crowdfunding (Discussion)
7th Crowdinvesting Symposium, HU Berlin
Location: Berlin
Signaling Effects of Crowdfunding on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
Strategy and Innovation Seminar, Copenhagen Business School
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Signaling Effects of Crowdfunding on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
Management, Strategy and Innovation Seminar, KU Leuven
Location: Leuven, Belgium
The Crowd for Lemons: Venture Investors’ Perceptions of an Equity Pecking Order
79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Location: Boston, MA
Investors’ Decision Criteria under Limited Information: Passion of the Entrepreneur as a Signal of Commitment and Viability (Discussion)
4th ENTFIN Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance
Location: Trier
The Crowd for Lemons: Venture Investors’ Perceptions of an Entrepreneurial Equity Pecking Order
4th ENTFIN Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance
Location: Trier
Signaling Effects of Crowdfunding on Venture Investors’ Decision Making
BAE Business Angels Europe Conference on Angel Investment Research 2019
Location: Berlin
Venture Investors’ Perceptions of Entrepreneurs’ Financing Hierarchies
22nd G-Forum – Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs
Location: Stuttgart
Signaling Effects of Crowdfunding on Venture Investors’ Decision Making
78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Location: Chicago, IL
The Crowd for Lemons: Venture Investors’ Perceptions of Entrepreneurs’ Financing Hierarchies
16th International Open and User Innovation Conference
Location: New York University, NY
Two’s a Company, Three’s a Crowd: Contractual Deal Breakers in Securities-based Crowdfunding for Later-stage Venture Capital
6th Crowdinvesting Symposium
Location: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Munich
Equity Crowdfunding in Germany and the UK: Follow-up Funding and Firm Survival (Discussion)
6th Crowdinvesting Symposium
Location: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Munich
Signaling Effects of Crowdfunding on Venture Investors’ Decision Making
80th Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB)
Location: Magdeburg
Is Wisdom of the Crowd a Positive Signal? Signaling Effects of Crowdfinancing on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
32nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA)
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Two‘s a Company, Three‘s a Crowd? Contractual Deal Breakers in Securities-based Crowdfunding for Later-stage Venture Capital
MPI-IC Research Seminar
Location: Starnberg
Is Wisdom of the Crowd a Positive Signal? Effects of Crowdfinancing on subsequent Venture Capital Selection
2nd Entrepreneurial Finance Conference
Location: Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium
Is Wisdom of the Crowd a Positive Signal? Effects of Crowdfinancing on subsequent Venture Capital Selection
21st DRUID Conference
Location: New York University, NY
Effects of Crowdfinancing on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2017
Location: University of Oklahoma, OK
Effects of Crowdfunding on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
7th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship
Location: Leuphana University of Lueneburg
Signaling Effects of Crowdfinancing on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
2nd International Conference on the Economics of Innovation
Location: World Trade Center Grenoble, France
Is Wisdom of the Crowd a Positive Signal? Effects of Crowdfinancing on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
4th Crowdinvesting Symposium
Location: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Munich
Returns on Investment in Equity-Crowdfunding (Discussion)
4th Crowdinvesting Symposium
Location: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Munich
Crowdfunding in Germany
UnternehmerTUM TIE² International Lab
Location: Technical University Munich
Is Wisdom of the Crowd a Positive Signal? Effects of Crowdfinancing on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
20th G-Forum – Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs
Location: University of Leipzig
Is Wisdom of the Crowd a Positive Signal? Effects of Crowdfinancing on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
MPI-IC research seminar
Location: Frauenchiemsee
Is Wisdom of the Crowd a Positive Signal? Effects of Crowdfinancing on Subsequent Venture Capital Selection
14th International Open and User Innovation Conference
Location: Harvard Business School, MA
The Role of Pre-Funding in Venture Investing - A Choice Experimental Approach
TIME Colloquium
Location: MPI-IC Munich
Signaling Effects of Pre-Funding in the Decision-Making of Venture Investors
Eric von Hippel Research Workshop
Location: Munich
Pre-Funding as a Decision Policy of Venture Capitalists and Business Angels
MPI-IC Research Seminar
Location: Zugspitze
The Value of Marketing Crowdsourced New Products as Such: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment (Discussion)
TIME Colloquium
Location: Technical University of Munich
Fundamentals of Choice-based Conjoint Analysis and its Application to the Simulation of a Discrete Choice Experiment among Venture Investors
MPI-IC Research Seminar
Location: Castle Ringberg
Choice Experiments as a Measurement Tool for Decision Policies – A Simulation Approach
MPI-IC research seminar
Location: Kochel am See
Signaling Effects of Equity-Crowdfunding to Venture Investors
2nd Crowdinvesting Symposium
Location: University of Munich (LMU)
Signaling Effects of Pre-funding in the Decision Making of Venture Investors
MPI-IC research seminar
Location: Castle Ringberg
Crowdfunding and the Signaling Effect of Pre-Funding to Venture Investors
1st Conference on Business Angel Investment Research
Location: Berlin
Einfluss der Einführung des G8 auf die Leistung der Studierenden in Entrepreneurship Education Kursen
17th G-Forum - Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs
Location: University of Koblenz
On the Venture Capital Compatibility of Equity Crowdfunding
MPI-IC research seminar
Location: Aschau
VC Compatibility of Crowdinvesting
27th EXIST-Workshop
Location: University of Düsseldorf
VC Compatibility of Crowdinvesting
INNO-tec research seminar
Location: Zugspitze
Share Distribution in Entrepreneurial Teams (Discussion)
TIME Colloquium
Location: LMU & TU Munich
Start with Business Planning – Eine universitäre Massenveranstaltung als individuelle Gründerberatung
16th G-Forum - Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs
Location: University of Potsdam
Topics in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research
INNO-tec research seminar
Location: Wildbad Kreuth
Zum Verhältnis von Spitzenforschung und Politikberatung
Erste Pluralistische Ergänzungsveranstaltung zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik
Location: University of Göttingen
Zum Verhältnis von Spitzenforschung und Politikberatung
German Economic Association Annual Conference
Location: University of Kiel
Various courses on the Bachelor / Master / Ph.D. / Executive Education Levels, and supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses in management at LMU Munich (complete overview available on request)