Marc Huckschlag
Doctoral Student
Intellectual Property and Competition Law
Areas of Interest:
Copyright and Design Law
Academic Résumé
Since 09/2022
Doctoral Student
Department of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
First State Examination in Law, Munich
Law studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU) with studies abroad at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (UNIL)
Journal Articles
Substantive Law Aspects of the 'Design Package', GRUR Int 72, 6 (2023), 557 - 565 (
- On 28 November 2022, the EU Commission published proposals for amendment of the Community Design Regulation (CDR) and for the recast of the Design Directive (DDir). Both proposals (in the following: PEUDR, PDDir) were preceded by reports and comprehensive consultations with interested circles. The aim of both proposals is to streamline and simplify the proceedings, enhance harmonisation, and improve the functioning of design legislation inter alia regarding novel forms of designs and reproduction technologies, providing a more robust catalogue of limitations, liberalisation of the spare parts market, and clarification of the relationship with copyright. The present article highlights the issues which are considered to be particularly important and deserving of further comments and clarifications.
Das UrhWissG - Enteignung der Verlage oder Fundament einer modernen Wissenslandschaft, Rescriptum 13 (2018), 165 - 173.
- Mit dem UrhWissG wird der Versuch unternommen, das Urheberrecht an die aktuellen Erfordernisse der Wissensgesellschaft anzupassen. Im Vordergrund der Reform stehen die neuen Schrankenbestimmungen der §§ 60a – g UrhG. Diese sollen dem technologischen Wandel in der Wissensschaffung und –vermittlung begegnen. Ob der Versuch gelungen ist, wird mit Blick auf die widerstreitenden Interessengruppen sowie die jüngsten Entwicklungen auf europäischer Ebene erörtert. Daraus wird klar: Der Gesetzgeber darf in jedem Fall mit neuen Aufgaben rechnen. Nicht nur bedarf es einer erneuten Anpassung der gesetzlichen Nutzungsbefugnisse und Vergütungsregeln, sondern auch einer konsequenten Übertragung analoger Dogmatik in ein digitales Umfeld.
Case notes
Urheberrechtsschutz für Designermöbel in den Mitgliedstaaten unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft ("Eames-Chair") - Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 24.10.2024 – EUGH Aktenzeichen C22723 C-227/23 – Kwantum/Vitra Collections AG, ZUM 69, 2 (2025), 112 - 115.
Position Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition of 23 January 2023 on the 'Design Package' (Amendment of the Design Regulation and Recast of the Design Directive), 2023, 15
- This position statement of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition comments on the EU Commission’s proposals for an amendment of the Community Design Regulation and for a recast of the Design Directive. It highlights issues of particular importance, as, inter alia, the revised approach to the subject matter of protection, the acquisition of unregistered designs, as well as the extended list of limitations and the relation with copyright. The Institute welcomes the aim of the proposals, i.e. to streamline and simplify proceedings, to enhance harmonization and improve the functioning of design legislation. While it endorses most of the proposed changes, comments are made particularly where further adjustment and clarification is needed.
- MPI_Position Statement on the Design Package_01-25.pdf
- Also published as: Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 23-05
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Copyright/Design-Cumulation under the EU 'Design Package', Kluwer Copyright Blog 2023 (
Summer Semester 2024
Examinatorium on focus area 3 ( Competition Law, Intellectual Property and Media Law)
Case 7
Location: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich
Winter Semester 2023/24
Examinatorium on focus area 3 ( Competition Law, Intellectual Property and Media Law)
Case 7
Location: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich
Summer Semester 2022
Tutorium Wirtschaftsprivatrecht II
Location: Technical University of Munich (TUM)