Prof. Dr. Roxana Carmen Blasetti
Affiliated Research Fellow
Intellectual Property and Competition Law
Academic Résumé
Since 2020
Director of the Specialization Degree in Negotiations and International Trade in Agro-Industries, Agronomy School, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Since 2019
Affiliated Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Since 2015
Associate Research Fellow at Latin American University in Social Sciences (FLACSO)
2012 — 2020
Deputy Director of the Specialization Degree in Negotiations and International Trade in Agro-Industries, Agronomy School, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Since 2007
Professor of FLACSO Argentina, “Master in intellectual property. Subject: Agri issues and intellectual property.” .Academic Director: Valentina Delich
Professor, Juridical and Social Sciences School, University of La Plata Latin American Integration Institute. “Seminar: Negotiations in the WTO and its impact on development”. Director: Noemí Mellado
Since 2006
Associate Research Fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Industrial and Economic Law (CEIDIE), Law and Social Sciences School, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
2003 — 2010
Professor “Training course in Intellectual Property” of the University of Buenos Aires
Secretary of Science and Technology, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Director: Dr. Carlos Correa
Specialist in Integration Policies, Latin American Integration Institute, Juridical and Social Sciences School, National University of La Plata (UNLP) Argentina
Lawyer, Law and Social Sciences School, University of Buenos Aires (UBA) Argentina
Master Thesis Jury
Master Thesis Jury, FLACSO Argentina: Leandro Gregorio “Alguien Tiene que ceder — Cuestiones de Políticas Públicas y Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual aplicados al sector Semillerista Nacional”
Master Thesis Jury, UNTREF: Martín García Ghezzi “Estado de situación de la Exportación de Ciruelas desecadas desde el sur mendocino”
Master Thesis Director, FLACSO Argentina: María Cecilia Baumele “La ley de Semillas en la Argentina y los proyectos de modificación”, resolved by the Academic Advisory Committee of the Master of Intellectual Property
Master Thesis Jury, UBA/FAUBA: Gaston Santesteban “El Sistema Multilateral de Comercio y las cadenas globales de valor como freno al proteccionismo”
Master Thesis Jury, UBA/FAUBA: Sofía Perini “La Unión Europea ante la crisis: reestructuración del sistema generalizado de preferencias (SGP). Consecuencias para el sector agroalimentario argentino”
Master Thesis Jury, UBA/FAUBA: Ezequiel Bergallo “Aspectos de las negociaciones Agrícolas, reformas y su impacto interno en los agro alimentos en Japón y en región Asia”
Books and Monographs
Utilizing TRIPS flexibilities for Public Health Protection through South-South Regional Framework, South Centre, Geneva 2004, XVI + 93
Contributions to Collected Editions, Commentaries, Handbooks and Encyclopaedias
The Development of Distinctive Signs for Collective Use: A Latin American Perspective, in: Andrea Zappalaglio, Enrico Bonadio (
The Protection of Geographical Indications Through FTAs and the Collision with Prior User Rights, in: Kreation Innovation Märkte - Creation Innovation Markets - Festschrift Reto M. Hilty, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2024, 971 - 980. DOI
- The EU’s extraterritoriality strategy of geographical indication (GI) protection through free trade agreements (FTAs) generates a conflict of rights between the cross-border protection of GIs and the prior user rights in the rest of the world. It constitutes a more specific attempt by the EU to obtain additional protection outside its territory for agricultural products. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) provides for specific exceptions to GI exclusive rights. The exceptions enable the continuity of use of protected terms under certain conditions.
Although the different forms of protection are welcome to distinguish and add value to products, extraterritorial protection through FTAs collides with pre-existing private rights modifying the principle of non-retroactivity of international treaties, affects competition and constitutes a market access restriction for local and imported products.
The concerns relate to the request for exclusivity for common names that have become part of the public domain, trademarks obtained in good faith, and names of plant varieties and animal breeds. In short, the objection is to undermine the rights of producers outside European territory, granted under the TRIPS exceptions, affecting GATT/WTO principles and the balance of rights and obligations resulting from the Uruguay Round.
La Propiedad Intelectual en Latinoamérica y su Rol en el Desarrollo Económico y Social [Intellectual Property in Latin America and its Role in Economic and Social Development], in: Marcos Wachowicz, Karin Grau-Kuntz (
- O texto trata do estabelecimento e evolução dos direitos da propriedade in-telectual na América Latina. Perpassa os contextos nos quais esses direitos foram incorporados ao arcabouço legal doméstico. Ainda que as economias latino-americanas sejam mais ou menos frágeis do ponto de vista da pro-priedade intelectual, as conclusões apontam que há diversos desafios a se-rem enfrentados, mas que os países da região têm potencial para superá-los e avançar na proteção e na utilização dos seus ativos intelectuais.
- This article deals with the establishment and evolution of intellectual property rights in Latin America. It goes through the contexts in which these rights have been in-corporated into the domestic legal framework. Although Latin American economies are more or less fragile from the point of view of intellectual property, the conclusions indicate that there are several challenges to be faced, but that the countries of the region have the potential to overcome them and advance in the protection and use of their intellectual assets.
- https://codaip.gedai.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/1_Estudos-de-Propriedade-Intelectual-em-homenagem-ao-Prof_Dr_Denis-Borges-Barbosa.pdf
Las indicaciones geográficas en el marco de los Tratados de Libre Comercio: la negociación UE-MERCOSUR, in: Salvador D. Bergel, Sandra C. Negro (
Más allá de los aranceles. La armonización sanitaria y fitosanitaria. Una herramienta clave, in: Sandra Negro (
Agricultura y Cambio Climático. Quien debe asumir los mayores costos?, in: Sandra Negro (
Las Indicaciones Geográficas y otras cuestiones vinculadas a la negociación agrícola: el medio ambiente y la patentabilidad de la materia viva, in: Carlos María Correa (
Dos procesos de integración regional con miras a un Tratado de Libre Comercio: Materias en conflicto, in: Francisco Leita, Sandra C. Negro (
Sanitary and Phitosanitary measures and other obstacles to trade, in: Alfredo Valladão, Sheila Page (
El Acuerdo TRIPS, in: Gonzalo Estefanell, Gustavo Idígoras (
Marco regulatorio y organismos internacionales, in: Gonzalo Estefanell, Gustavo Idígoras (
El Impacto de la equivalencia de los Sistemas de Control de Alimentos para los Países en Desarrollo (Impact of equivalence of Food Control Systems on Developing Countries), in: Symposium on Judgement of Equivalence, IICA Publication, Washington D.C. 2000.
Journal Articles
Strengthening the EU System of Geographical Indications: Impact on Farmers and Food Producers around the World, GRUR Int 72, 2 (2023), 107 - 108. DOI
Nation Branding in the Andean Community: Decision 876 of 23 April 2021 for a Common Nation Brand Regime, GRUR Int 71, 3 (2022), 230 - 233. DOI
- On 23 April 2021, the Andean Community, comprised of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, adopted and published Decision 876 regulating the common nation brand regime for its territory. As a result, this integrated bloc of Latin American countries became a pioneer in this area. Decision 876 establishes a common regime for protecting country brands against any possible unauthorized registrations or the use of identical or similar signs in the Community’s Members Countries. It is interesting to note that, unlike other integration blocs in Latin America, the Andean Community has made notable progress in harmonizing regional regulations on intellectual property. In this sense, Decision 876 adds to its extensive legal corpus on the topic, with no similar rule existing in the other integration processes in the region. The Decision sets out the basic criteria related to Member Countries’ and third countries’ nation brands, the procedure for their protection and enforcement, and infringements.
Intellectual Property in the EU-MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges for Family Farming, Blog: Fundación Foro del Sur 2020.
Geographical Indications: A Major Challenge for MERCOSUR, GRUR Int 69, 11 (2020), 1113 - 1122. DOI
- This article focuses on the intellectual property chapter of the EU-MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement. It is not intended to provide an exhaustive analysis of all the intellectual property rights involved but to go deeply into a specific matter, geographical indications, which is undoubtedly a controversial concession in the chapter.
The entire free trade agreement negotiations took more than 20 years and ended in June 2019 with an ‘Agreement in principle’. From the very beginning it involved a red line for the MERCOSUR countries, namely the intellectual property chapter.
This article will show the complexity of including the private rights of prior users (generic names, plant varieties and trademarks) as a trade-off for agricultural market access in negotiations mainly focused on tariff reduction and trade rules.
In addition, the imbalance between the parties was deepened by the lack of regionally harmonized intellectual property standards within MERCOSUR.
In this regard, the main objective of this article is to identify the legal challenges derived from the overlap of national, regional and bi-regional rules that the Mercosur countries will face when implementing the geographical indication commitments, given the bloc’s legal and institutional structure. Unlike tariff reduction, the commitments derived from the negotiation of private rights are a crucial issue. Against this background, some proposals are outlined to address how to determine a medium- and long-term strategy based on the needs of local producers to add value to their productions.
La equivalencia de las Medidas Sanitarias. Un reclamo de los Países en Desarrollo, Temas de derecho industrial y de la competencia 6 (2004), 13 - 52.
El MERCOSUR Agropecuario a principios de 1996, Revista de Derecho Privado y Comunitario 11, Mayo (1996) (
Research Papers
Distinctive Signs for Collective Use in Latin America: Development Promotion by Valuing Origin and Quality (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, 22-15), 2022, 131
- Origin-based production, including manufacturing, handicraft, and especially food production in Latin American countries, is essential to their economies. Quality differentiation systems such as geographical indications, designations of origin, collective and certification marks, and quality labels, among others, can play a dual role in the economic and social development of the region and in adding value to their products with the consequent impact on trade. However, those systems are quite particular to each country due to multiple realities. Therefore, it is challenging to promote integration, harmonisation, and /or cooperation within the region. Therefore, this paper aims to offer a comprehensive legal comparative understanding of how those systems work in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay to back up further research, law, and policy-making on this field. The outcome indicates potential ways forward, targeting especially (a) the potential of a regional system of mutual recognition of the protection granted at the national level and (b) the improvement of the system at the domestic level, according to each country's reality and producer's needs.
- Spanish version published as Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Discussion Paper No. 21
Signos Distintivos Colectivos en Latinoamérica: Fomento del Desarrollo Valorando Origen y Calidad (Distinctive Signs for Collective Use in Latin America: Development Promotion by Valuing Origin and Quality) (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Discussion Paper, No. 21), 2022, 144
- La producción desarrollada localmente, incluyendo la manufactura, la artesanía y especialmente la producción de alimentos en los países latinoamericanos, es esencial para sus economías. Los sistemas de diferenciación de la calidad, como las indicaciones geográficas, las denominaciones de origen, las marcas colectivas y de certificación, y los sellos de calidad, entre otros, pueden desempeñar un doble papel, tanto para el desarrollo económico y social de la región como para añadir valor a sus productos con el consiguiente impacto en el comercio. Sin embargo, estos sistemas tienen particularidades en cada país debido a las múltiples realidades existentes. Es por ello que constituye un desafío promover a integración, la armonización y/o la cooperación al interior de la región. Es en este sentido que el presente documento ofrece un estudio comparado de las reglas jurídicas vigentes y de cómo funcionan estos sistemas en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, México, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay para respaldar la investigación y la elaboración de leyes y políticas públicas en la materia. El resultado indica las posibles vías de avance, centrándose especialmente (a) en el potencial de un sistema regional de reconocimiento mutuo de la protección dada a nivel nacional (b) en la mejora del sistema a nivel nacional, según la realidad de cada país y las necesidades de los productores.
- Origin-based production, including manufacturing, handicraft, and especially food production in Latin American countries, is essential to their economies. Quality differentiation systems such as geographical indications, designations of origin, collective and certification marks, and quality labels, among others, can play a dual role in the economic and social development of the region and in adding value to their products with the consequent impact on trade. However, those systems are quite particular to each country due to multiple realities. Therefore, it is challenging to promote integration, harmonisation, and /or cooperation within the region. Therefore, this paper aims to offer a comprehensive legal comparative understanding of how those systems work in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay to back up further research, law, and policy-making on this field. The outcome indicates potential ways forward, targeting especially (a) the potential of a regional system of mutual recognition of the protection granted at the national level and (b) the improvement of the system at the domestic level, according to each country's reality and producer's needs.
- Also published in: Smart IP Initiative
- English version published as: Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper 22-15
Intellectual Property in the EU–MERCOSUR FTA: A Brief Review of the Negotiating Outcomes of a Long-Awaited Agreement (Research Paper / South Centre, 128), South Centre, Geneva 2021, 44
- This paper provides a first glance at the Intellectual Property Chapter of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) and the European Union (EU). It is not intended to provide an exhaustive analysis of the commitments involved but rather to briefly review the scope of intellectual property in the bi-regional negotiations, which took more than 20 years and ended in June 2019 with an “agreement in principle.” It also aims to put the Chapter into context with the whole commitments covered by the FTA and, finally, to highlight its most relevant aspects.
- Este documento ofrece un primer vistazo al capítulo sobre propiedad intelectual del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre el Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) y la Unión Europea (UE). No se pretende hacer un análisis exhaustivo de los compromisos implicados, sino más bienrevisar brevemente el alcance de la propiedad intelectual en las negociaciones birregionales, que duraron más de 20 años y terminaron en junio de 2019 con un "acuerdo de principio". También tiene por objeto situar el capítulo en el contexto de todos los compromisos cubiertos por el TLC y, por último, poner de relieve sus aspectos más relevantes.
- Ce document donne un premier aperçu du chapitre sur la propriété intellectuelle de l'accord de libre-échange (ALE) entre le Marché commun du Sud (MERCOSUR) et l'Union européenne (UE). Il n'a pas pour but de fournir une analyse exhaustive des engagements impliqués, mais plutôt de revoir brièvement la portée de la propriété intellectuelle dans les négociations bi-régionales, qui ont duré plus de 20 ans et qui se sont terminées en juin 2019 par un "accord de principe". Il vise également à mettre ce chapitre en contexte avec l'ensemble des engagements couverts par l'ALE et, enfin, à mettre en évidence ses aspects les plus pertinents.
- https://www.southcentre.int/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/RP-128.pdf
Estudio Preliminar del Capítulo Sobre Propiedad Intelectual del Acuerdo MERCOSUR – UE (Documento de Investigación, No. 110), South Centre, Geneva 2020, 55
- El presente documento realiza un estudio preliminar del capítulo XX relativo a propiedad intelectual del Acuerdo MERCOSUR–UE de libre comercio, MERCOSUR logró en este capítulo que la UE hiciera tabla rasa respecto de los anteriores acuerdos de libre comercio. Se arribó a un resultado equilibrado, que refleja las concesiones de ambas partes.
- This document presents a preliminary study of chapter XX on intellectual property of the free trade MERCOSUR-EU agreement. In this chapter, MERCOSUR succeeded in getting the EU to abandon provisions included in previous free trade agreements. A balanced result was reached, which reflects the concessions made by both parties.
- Ce document présente une étude préliminaire du chapitre XX sur la propriété intellectuelle de l'accord accord de libre-échange MERCOSUR-UE. Dans ce chapitre, le MERCOSUR a réussi à amener l'UE à faire table rase des précédents accords de libre-échange. Un résultat équilibré a été obtenu, reflétant les concessions faites par les deux parties.
Evaluación de los Subgrupos de Trabajo del MERCOSUR" within the framework of the re-launching of MERCOSUR, FLASCO, Curridabat, San José 2000.
Conferences, Workshops, Seminars
Participation as Speaker
09/06 – 09/07/2022
Round Table: Innovation in Sustainable Technologies
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Socialización de la Política Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
3rd Annual Conference of Smart IP for Latin America Initiative
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Workshop: Adapting Competition Law to the Socio-Economic Needs of Latin America SIPLA Initiative
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Workshop Best Practices in Competition Law and Technology Transfer
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Workshop Patent Flexibilites: Towards a Regional Instrument
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Workshop Collective Distinctive Signs as Instruments of Sustainable Development
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Virtual Roundtable on the Diffusion of the MERCOSUR-EUROPEAN UNION Agreement, from an agro-industrial perspective
Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI)
Location: Online/Buenos Aires, Argentina
Virtual Seminar “Creando Capacidades para el Desarrollo. Signos Distintivos y Agregado de Valor”
XXXII REAF: Presidencia Pro Tempore Paraguay. MERCOSUR.
Location: Asunción, Paraguay
“International perspectives: EU-MERCOSUR FTA”
Workshop on Geographical Indications
Location: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich
Acordo União Europeia–MERCOSUL: oportunidades e desafios para a Agricultura Familiar
International Seminar, XXXI REAF – Presidência Pro Tempore do Brasil no MERCOSUL
Location: Chapecó, SC, Brasil
Smart IP for Latin America. Annual Conference
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.
Location: Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Regulatory frameworks for innovation: intellectual property. Study on patents derived from public-funds-generated knowledge in Argentina
Evaluator of the study
Interdisciplinary Center of Studies of Science Technology and Innovation (CIECTI)
Congress of "Agrobiotechnology intellectual property and public policies"
Location: Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina
Regional Workshop on Sanitary and phytosanitary regulations
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Seminar on Expansion of Regional Integration Processes
Seminar on agricultural Trade and Latin America: issues, controversies and perspectives
Location: Buenos Aires, Agentina
Advanced Workshop on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures at national and regional level
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Foreign trade meetings
Seminar, Encomex
Location: Curitiba, Brasil
Evolution and evaluation of MERCOSUR to 20 years of the signing of the Treaty of Asunción
International Seminar, CEIDIE
Location: UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Workshop on coordination of sanitary and phytosanitary measures at national and regional level
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Seminar on technological innovation and food production. Experiences between Argentina and the European Union
Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries/ UE
Workshop European Union and MERCOSUR: Policies for local development
Location: UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Workshop Negotiations implementation and dispute settlement in terms of sanitary and phytosanitary standards
Location: UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Workshop Development of institutional capacities
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
International Seminar on Intellectual Property, society and development
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Conference European Union-MERCOSUR
Location: UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Workshop Multilateral agreements (WTO/SPS), international standards and their impact on food trade
Location: Asunción, Paraguay
Seminar on intellectual property rights in the field of plant genetic resources
Training in economics and agricultural policies and Rural Development in Latin America (FODEPAL) with REDBIO/FAO/CEIDIE
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seminar on Recent Developments in Industrial Property
Location: UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seminar on Integration Law
Faculty of Economic Sciences UBA
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seminar: New international trade regime of Argentine-Italian cooperation
Location: Embassy of Italy, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Symposium on Judgment of Equivalence
Location: Washington D.C., US
Professor of the Master in Foreign Relations
School of Law, University of the Republic (UDELAR)
Director: Wilson Fernández Luzuriaga
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Professor of the University Program in Public Policies for Agrarian Territorial Development
Social Sciences School, University of Buenos Aires, UBA
Coordinator: Lic. Matias Berger
Location: Buenos Aires, Agentina
Professor “Training course in Intellectual Property” of the University of Buenos Aires
Secretary of Science and Technology, University of Buenos Aires, UBA
Director: Dr. Carlos Correa
Location: Buenos Aires, Agentina
2003 — 2010
Professor “Program of updating in intellectual property”
Law and Social Sciences School of the University of Buenos Aires, UBA
Director: Dr. Carlos Correa
Location: Buenos Aires, Agentina
2003 — 2010
Professor “Multilateral trade rules. WTO”
University of Buenos Aires, UBA
Director: Dr. Carlos Correa
Location: Buenos Aires, Agentina
Teacher of the Virtual course “Understanding Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement for a better agribusiness in Latin America and Caribbean countries”
IDB/INTAL-World Trade Organization (WTO)
Teacher of the Virtual course “Phytosanitary and sanitary measures in the World Trade Organization”
IDB/INTAL-World Trade Organization (WTO)
Since 2018
Smart IP for Latin America
Involved Institutions: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Universidad de los Andes, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Universidad de Costa Rica