Dr. Laura Bechthold
Former Research Fellow
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research
Areas of Interest
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education, Experimental Economics, Female Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Psychology
Academic Résumé
11/2017 - 2018
Junior Research Fellow and Doctoral Candidate at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research). Doctoral Thesis: “Motives and Motivators for Female Entrepreneurship – Empirical Investigation of Fear of Failure, Social Learning, and Team Emotional Intelligence.”
2013 - 2017
External Junior Research Fellow and Doctoral Candidate at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research)
Junior Research Fellow and Lecturer, Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) of LMU and TU Munich
Doctoral Candidate, LMU Munich
2014 - 2017
Postgraduate Studies in Business Research (Master of Business Research) at Munich School of Management, LMU Munich
09/2016 – 12/2016
Research Semester, University of California, Berkeley
2012 - 2013
Master Sustainability Science & Policy (M.Sc.), University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
2008 - 2012
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Corporate Management & Economics (Major) and Communication & Cultural Management (Minor), Zeppelin Universität, Friedrichshafen
2007 - 2017
Professional experience, among others at Kulturamt Stuttgart, betterplace.org, The Owners Forum GmbH, Deloitte, Katerva, Spread the Word (founder)
Coach and moderator, among others at Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, Munich Leadership Institut, Atom Leap GmbH
Honours, Scholarships, Academic Prizes
2012 - 2013
Rotary Scholarship
„Act for Impact“ Award of the Vodafone Stiftung for the Foundation of the Social enterprise Spread the Word and the project „Jailers“ in cooperation with the correctional facility Heilbronn
2008 - 2013
Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
Articles in Refereed Journals
Peer Effects in Entrepreneurship Education Field Experimental Evidence on the Role of Gender and Team Emotional Intelligence, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020 (1), 2020 (1)90. DOI
(2020).- This study builds on the assumption that the common experiential design of entrepreneurship education stimulates entrepreneurial learning via social interaction with peers. We present data from a field experiment in higher entrepreneurship education with 498 valid observations, including 314 female and 184 male students across 174 randomly assigned teams. We investigate peer effects in two ways. First and to the best of our knowledge, we present the first attempt to explore gendered peer effects at the pre-nascent stage of the entrepreneurial process. We theorize that having same-gender entrepreneurial peers in the team positively influences the development of entrepreneurial intentions, attitudes, as well as entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Second, we explore the role of team emotional intelligence in the context of entrepreneurship education. Our analysis provides some indications for positive same-gender peer effects, especially when it comes to the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy among female students. Further, we find support that team emotional intelligence is not only an antecedent of entrepreneurial propensity, but also being assigned to a team with emotionally intelligent peers positively influences entrepreneurial learning and may even mitigate same-gender effects."
Yes, I Can! - A Field Experiment on Female Role Model Effects in Entrepreneurship. Working Document, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018 (1). DOI
(2018).- This study draws on social learning theory and research concerning role model effects to understand how exposure to female entrepreneurial role models influences the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, attitudes and intentions among female students. We present results from a field experiment including data from 547 students and 98 entrepreneurs. The combination of a mandatory entrepreneurship course, random assignment of students to teams and entrepreneurs, as well as a pre-test/post-test design, allows us to draw robust causal inferences about the impact of female entrepreneurial role models. We find that exposure to female entrepreneurs particularly boosts the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and attitudes towards entrepreneurship of female students. We explore five mechanisms to explain role model effects as an emergent outcome of a reciprocal relationship between student and entrepreneur. We find that if entrepreneurs signal high levels of supportiveness and interest in the student’s project outcomes, the importance of working with an entrepreneur of the same-gender decreases. In sum, this study provides evidence that role model effects do not only occur by chance, but can be purposefully triggered in an educational setting. Hence, exploiting female role model effects may serve as an effective mechanism to foster female entrepreneurship.
Contributions to Collected Editions
Women in Creative Labor: Inventors, Entrepreneurs and Academics, in: Ulla Weber (
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Urheberrecht und Innovation in digitalen Märkten - Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. München: Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb.
(2016).Presentations and Lectures
Yes, I Can! A Field Experiment on Female Role Model Effects in Entrepreneurship
Academy of Management 78th Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Hotel
Location: Chicago, US
Yes, I Can! A Field Experiment on Female Role Model Effects in Entrepreneurship
TIME Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Location: Munich
Trend Seminar "Fighting Hunger in the Digital Era" in collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme
Social Entrepreneurship in collaboration with The Keiskamma Trust (including a field trip to South Africa)
2013 - 2017
Various courses, e.g. Green Tech Innovation, Peace & Technology, Center Venture Eleza.org (from idea to prototype in one week), Innovating Art Through Technology, 3D Printing, Professional Communication, Academic Writing, Introduction to Sustainable Development
2013 - 2015
Entrepreneurship Laboratory (CDTM)