Presentation  |  09/13/2023 | 03:00 PM  –  04:00 PM

Generative AI and the Challenges for Copyright Protection

Meeyoung Cha (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Room E10 - Registration required

Meeyoung Cha (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Meeyoung Cha (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Generative AI is a transformative technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and consume content. However, it raises a number of complex copyright concerns. In this talk, I will discuss the key concepts of generative AI, the current status quo, and the challenges that generative AI poses for copyright protection. I will also discuss potential technical solutions for protecting the copyright of artists in the age of generative AI.

Meeyoung Cha is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and an adjunct professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) in Germany. Her research interest is in developing and using Data Science and AI for challenging social problems. Her research on misinformation, fraud detection, and long-tail content has received over 20,000 citations. Meeyoung Cha is the first woman in Korea to receive the Young Information Scientist Award, and she is also a recipient of two Test-of-Time Awards (AAAI ICWSM, ACM IMC). In industry, Meeyoung worked as a visiting professor at Meta(Facebook)'s Data Science Team. She is a member of the Seoul Forum for International Affairs (SFIA) and a commissioner for the Korea Copyright Commission, the Korea Customs Service, the National Tax Service, and the Open Data Mediation Committee (ODMC). Meeyoung is currently jointly affiliated as a Chief Investigator at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Korea, where she directs the Data Science Group.