The tenth anniversary of the entry into force of Regulation No. 1/2003 and of the Merger Control Regulation No. 139/2004 commemorates the most significant competition policy projects of the last decade: modernisation, decentralisation and the more economic approach. The project of modernisation has led to enforcement procedures and decisions which exhibit novel characteristics. Decentralisa- tion has expanded the role of national competition autho- rities and has also assigned special European responsibility to these authorities. The more economic approach has laid the grounds for novel strands of arguments. In addition, the tenth anniversary of EU enlargement marks a decade of direct application of competition law in the formerly socialist EU Member States.
Against the background of these major upheavals, the lecture series intends to take a forward looking approach by focussing on the future challenges, necessities and developments of EU competition policy. Central actors of EU competition policy, academics and experts from the legal and economic profession are invited to engage in a critical discourse.
Please register until 18/01/2016 delia.zirilli@ip.mpg
About the Speaker
Luc Peeperkorn is Principal Expert in Antitrust Policy at the European Commission. He studied economics and political science at the University of Amsterdam and worked as an assistant professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He was a central figure in various teams which created what is now called the effects-based approach in EU competition policy, in particular by making new rules for supply and distribution agreements, for de minimis agreements and for technology transfer agreements. He also co-authored the Guidance on the Commission’s enforcement priorities in applying Article 102. He teaches at the Brussels School of Competition and was recently a Senior Emile Noël Fellow at NYU.
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