Miscellaneous  |  12/03/2018

German Digital Summit on Artificial Intelligence in Nuremberg

In his keynote, Dietmar Harhoff presented considerations on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the prospects of Europe, Germany, and Bavaria in the global scientific competition and the creation of value.

Dietmar Harhoff, Keynote, German Digital Summit Nuremberg 2018, Insights into AI Research. Source: BMWi

The presentation slides are available here (in German).

The German Digital Summit, formerly National IT Summit, is a central platform for the cooperation of politics, business, academia, and society in shaping the digital transformation. The special focus 2018 was on Artificial Intelligence.

The Federal Government adopted its Artificial Intelligence Strategy on 15 November 2018. The strategy was drawn up under the lead responsibility of the Economic Affairs, Research and Labour Ministries following expert meetings and public consultations. The main theme of the 2018 Digital Summit takes up this process and adds the expertise of the Digital Summit network.

Dietmar Harhoff's presentation within the scope of the panel „Artificial Intelligence in Bavaria“ is also available as video (in German).

More on AI by Dietmar Harhoff:
„Outline for a German Strategy for Artificial Intelligence“ by Dietmar Harhoff with Stefan Heumann et al.
Künstliche Intelligenz – Neue Forschungsbündnisse, Kurzkommentar von Dietmar Harhoff und Stefan Heumann im ZBW Wirtschaftsdienst