5901 publications found.
Die Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten: eine Bestandsaufnahme GRUR Int 59, 4 (2010), 273 - 287.
Nationale Eigenständigkeit und europäische Vorgaben im Lauterkeitsrecht GRUR Int 59, 7 (2010), 549 - 563.
Tailoring IP protection for sustainable development: An examination of the CARIFORUM EPA Trade Negotiations Insights 9, 9 (2010), 10 - 12.
A Real Partnership for Development? - Sustainable Developments as Treaty Objective in European Economic Partnership Agreements and Beyond Journal of international economic law 13, 1 (2010), 139 - 180.
China — Intellectual Property Rights: Implications for the TRIPS-Plus Border Measures Journal of World Intellectual Property 13, 5 (2010), 620 - 638.
Towards a Flexible International Framework for the Protection of Geographical Indications The WIPO Journal 1, 2 (2010), 147 - 158 (
Copyrighting ideas? - Copyright on information technology products and its consequences for future creativity International Journal of Intellectual Property Management - Special Issue on International Intellectual Property Law and the Creative Industries 4, 1/2 (2010), 45 - 64.