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4850 publications found.

Contributions to collected editions

Carls, Suelen Uma perspectiva institucional das indicações geográficas como vetor para o desenvolvimento regional. O caso dos cristais artesanais da região de Blumenau (SC) in: F. de S. Del Omo, J.M. de L. Assafim, C. Reis (Hg.), Propriedade intelectual, FUNJAB, Florianópolis 2013, 311 - 331.

Contributions to collected editions

Carls, Suelen A regulamentação internacional da propriedade intelectual como produto da globalização. Indicações geográficas, regulamentação e efetividade in: J.M. de L. Assafim, M.C.F. Moro (Hg.), Propriedade intelectual, FUNJAB, Florianópolis 2013, 139 - 155.

Contributions to collected editions

Carls, Suelen Indicações geográficas sob a perspectiva de preservação cultural. O caso dos cristais artesanais da região de Blumenau (SC) in: J.M. de L. Assafim, M.C.F. Moro (Hg.), MUNDO UNIFOR (XIX Research Initiation Meeting / I Junior Scientific Initiation Meeting / XIII Postgraduate and Research Meeting / XIII Teaching Initiation Meeting / V Teaching Practices Meeting), Fundação Edson Quieroz, Fortaleza 2013 (gemeinsam mit Gabriel Severo Venco Teixeira da Cunha).

Contributions to collected editions

Carls, Suelen Indicações geográficas como fator de desenvolvimento econômico. Um estudo do APL das tedes de Jaguaruana-CE in: Mundo unifor (XIII encontro de pós-graduação e pesquisa), Fundação Edson Quieroz, Fortaleza 2013, 1 - 6 (gemeinsam mit G.S.V.T. da Cunha).

Conference papers

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning The Impact of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement on the Legal Framework for IP Enforcement in the European Union in: Christophe Geiger (Hg.), Constructing European Intellectual Property Law (European Intellectual Property Institutes Network Series, 1), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2013, 394 - 408 (gemeinsam mit Robert D'Erme et al.).

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Cunha, Gabriel Severo Venco Teixeira da Environmental Education: Brief Considerations on Ethics and Sustainability in: ENPEX - Teaching, Research and Extension Meeting (XII Scientific Initiation Journey / VII Extension Exhibition), 2013, Brusque-SC. ENPEX 2013 - Interdisciplinarity: Dialogues and Paths, UNIFEBE - University Center of Brusque, Brusque/SC 2013, 49 (gemeinsam mit C.C. Nunes).

Journal articles

Pauer, Nada Ina Die Abgrenzung hoheitlicher und wirtschaftlicher Tätigkeiten im Europäischen Wettbewerbsrecht: Eine Analyse der Entscheidungspraxis des EuGH WuW 63, 11 (2013), 1080 - 1093.

Case notes

Pauer, Nada Ina Anmerkung zur Donau Chemie Entscheidung des EuGH (Rs. C-536/11) Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 4 (2013), 121 - 160.

Journal articles

Maritzen, Lars Der Kronzeuge in Österreich im Spannungsfeld von Public und Private Enforcement? WRP 59, 9 (2013), 1151 - 1161 (gemeinsam mit Nada Ina Pauer).

Journal articles

Pauer, Nada Ina Potential Liability for Operators of Business Premises under Pertinent Provisions of Austrian Environmental Law European Energy and Environmental Law Review 22, 6 (2013), 235 - 244.