4851 publications found.
Contributions to collected editions
Kur, Annette Old topic, new concerns? - the control of secondary markets by asserting IP Right in: Maciej Barczewski, Michal Milosz, Richard Warner (Hg.), When Worlds Collide - Intellectual Property, High Technology and the Law, Oficyna, Warschau 2008, 43 - 58.
Contributions to handbooks
Kur, Annette Limiting IP protection for competition policy reasons - a case study based on the EU spare-parts-design discussion in: Josef Drexl (Hg.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2008, 313 - 345.
Contributions to collected editions
Kur, Annette Fundamental concerns in the harmonization of (European) trademark law in: Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Mark D. Janis (Hg.), Trademark Law and Theory, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2008, 151 - 176.
Contributions to collected editions
Kur, Annette Strategic Branding: Does Trademark Law Provide for Sufficient Self Help and Self Healing Forces? in: Inge Govaere, Hanns Ullrich (Hg.), Intellectual Property, Market Power and the Public Interest, Peter Lang, Brüssel 2008, 191 - 217.
Contributions to collected editions
Kur, Annette Cumulation of IP Rights Pertaining to Product Shapes - An "Illegitimate Offspring" of IP Law? in: Gustavo Ghidini, Luis Mariano Genovesi (Hg.), Intellectual Property and Market Power - ATRIP Papers 2006-2007, Eudeba, Buenos Aires 2008, 613 - 632.
Contributions to festschriften
Kur, Annette Small Cars, Big Problems? - An Analysis of the ECJ's Opel. /. Autec Decision and its Conseque in: Festskrift till Marianne Levin, Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 2008, 329 - 352.
Contributions to collected editions
Kosmides, Timoleon Bestimmung der Rechtsnatur von Access-Providing für die Bestimmung der Rechtsfolgen im Störungsfall in: Jürgen Taeger, Andreas Wiebe (Hg.), Von AdWords bis Social Networks - Neue Entwicklungen im Informationsrecht; Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2008, OlWIR, Edewecht 2008, 119 - 132.
Contributions to collected editions
Knaak, Roland Protection of Traditional Names and Designations in: Silke von Lewinski (Hg.), Indigenous Heritage and Intellectual Property: Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2. Aufl., Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn 2008, 293 - 337 (gemeinsam mit Annette Kur).
Contributions to festschriften
Klass, Nadine Die Menschenwürde im Spannungsfeld zwischen Paternalismus und Selbstbestimmung in: Iustitia et Pax. Gedächtnisschrift für Dieter Blumenwitz (Schriften zum Völkerrecht, 176), Duncker & Humblodt, Berlin 2008, 25 - 38.
Contributions to handbooks
Kitz, Volker Verlagsrecht in: Artur-Axel Wandtke (Hg.), Medienrecht. Praxishandbuch, De Gruyter Recht, Berlin 2008, 643 - 705.