4851 publications found.
Legal or Illegal: That is the Question! Private Copying and Downloading on the Internet IIC 39, 5 (2008), 597 - 603.
The French Implementation of the Information Society Directive: a disappointing result of a promising debate ami - tijdschrift voor auteurs-, media- & informatierecht 32, 1 (2008), 1 - 7.
Chiteki zaisanken no senmon chishiki wo kôjô saseru hitsuzousei (On the necessity of capacity building in the area of IP) 2008,.2008.
American Indian Law Codes: Pragmatic Law and Tribal Identity The American Journal of Comparative Law 56, 1 (2008), 29 - 74 (
Réglementation du droit d’auteur dans le cadre de la nouvelle partie IV du Code civil russe: un texte législatif important mais en partie problématique RIDA 216 (2008), 123 - 182.
Il locus destinatae solutionis nella disciplina comunitaria della competenza giurisdizionale Contratto e Impresa / Europa 2 (2008), 637 - 694.
Europäische Union - Unterzeichnung des Reformvertrags von Lissabon GRUR Int 57, 2 (2008), 178 - 179 (