5899 publications found.
Sustainability and the Environment: an Interdisciplinary Dialogue in: 6 Luso-Brazilian Congress for Urban, Regional, Integrated and Sustainable Planning - Abstract Books, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon 2014, 311 (
Die wesentlichen Neuerungen der geplanten Verordnung und Richtlinie der Kommission zu Insiderhandel und Marktmanipulation: mit Anmerkungen aus rechtsstaatlicher Perspektive Bank-Archiv 3 (2014), 162 - 172 (
Anmerkung zur Stellungnahme der Generalanwältin Kokott in der Rs "Kone": Schadenersatzansprüche aufgrund von „Preisschirmeffekten“ bei Kartellverstößen? Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 5 (2014), 171.
The Single Economic Entity Doctrine and Corporate Group Responsibility in European Antitrust Law (International Competition Law Series, 57), Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Alphen aan den Rijn 2014, XVII + 280
Copyright, contratto e accesso alla conoscenza: un'analisi comparata (Trento Law and Technology Research Group Research Paper, n. 17), 2013, 222
Competition Law Compliance Cuaderno electrónico de Estudios Jurídicos 1 (2013), 1 - 28.
A Brief Guide for the Creation of Author-specific Citation Metrics and Publication Data Using the Thomson Reuters Web of Science and Scopus Databases RatSWD Working Paper Series No. 228/2013.
(2013).The Lithuanian Competition Council closes an investigation and accepts remedies on vertical restraints implemented by several pharmaceutical undertakings and gives a recommendation to the Ministry of Health on ways to promote parallel imports of pharmaceuticals e-Competitions Bulletin December 2013 (2013).