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5899 publications found.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Nunes, C.C. Sustainability and the Environment: an Interdisciplinary Dialogue in: 6 Luso-Brazilian Congress for Urban, Regional, Integrated and Sustainable Planning - Abstract Books, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon 2014, 311 (gemeinsam mit Gabriel Severo Venco Teixeira da Cunha et al.).

Journal articles

Ketzer, Manfred Die wesentlichen Neuerungen der geplanten Verordnung und Richtlinie der Kommission zu Insiderhandel und Marktmanipulation: mit Anmerkungen aus rechtsstaatlicher Perspektive Bank-Archiv 3 (2014), 162 - 172 (gemeinsam mit Nada Ina Pauer).

Case notes

Pauer, Nada Ina Anmerkung zur Stellungnahme der Generalanwältin Kokott in der Rs "Kone": Schadenersatzansprüche aufgrund von „Preisschirmeffekten“ bei Kartellverstößen? Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 5 (2014), 171.


Pauer, Nada Ina The Single Economic Entity Doctrine and Corporate Group Responsibility in European Antitrust Law (International Competition Law Series, 57), Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Alphen aan den Rijn 2014, XVII + 280 S.

Research Papers

Moscon, Valentina Copyright, contratto e accesso alla conoscenza: un'analisi comparata (Trento Law and Technology Research Group Research Paper, n. 17), 2013, 222 S.

Journal articles

Pérez Fernández, Patricia Competition Law Compliance Cuaderno electrónico de Estudios Jurídicos 1 (2013), 1 - 28.

Discussion Papers

Mueller-Langer, Frank; Gerstenberger, Michael; Hackinger, Julian; Heisig, Benjamin (2013). A Brief Guide for the Creation of Author-specific Citation Metrics and Publication Data Using the Thomson Reuters Web of Science and Scopus Databases RatSWD Working Paper Series No. 228/2013.

Journal articles

Surblyte, Gintare The Lithuanian Competition Council closes an investigation and accepts remedies on vertical restraints implemented by several pharmaceutical undertakings and gives a recommendation to the Ministry of Health on ways to promote parallel imports of pharmaceuticals e-Competitions Bulletin December 2013 (2013).

Journal articles

Rivas, Victoria Radio Review: Inside Science - The Personal Genome Project BioNews Blog 2013.

Newspaper articles

Hartmann, Thomas Der Strom kommt aus der Steckdose, aber wer schickt in dorthin? FAZ 04.12.2013.