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4850 publications found.

Journal articles

Picht, Peter Collateralizing IP licenses - present deficiencies and proposals for reform AIPLA quarterly journal 41 (2013), 423 - 466.

Journal articles

Picht, Peter Unsettling news for reverse payment settlements - The Supreme Court’s Actavis ruling overturns the "scope of the patent-test" European competition law review 34 (2013), 523 - 527.

Journal articles

Picht, Peter New Law on Reverse Payment Settlements - The Agenda for Courts and the Legislature After the Supreme Court’s Actavis Ruling Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property 16 (2013), 105 - 140.


Cornish, William R. Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights (Classics Series), 8. Aufl., Sweet & Maxwell, London 2013, CXXXIV + 945 S. (gemeinsam mit David Llewelyn, Tanya Aplin).

Contributions to collected editions

Cornish, William R. Editorial Commentary contained in Release 43 and Release 44 in: Encyclopedia of United Kingdom and European Patent Law, Sweet & Maxwell, London 2013.

Research Papers

Drexl, Josef Copyright, Competition and Development, Report to the World Intellectual Property Organization 2013, 284 S.

Journal articles

Gonzalez Otero, Begoña Compelling to Disclose Software Interoperable Information: A Risk for Innovation or a Balanced Solution? The Journal of World Intellectual Property 16, 1-2 (2013), 2 - 14.

Contributions to collected editions

Gonzalez Otero, Begoña La computación en la nube ("cloud computing")¿Nuevos retos para el derecho de autor? in: Ana María Tobío Rivas, Angel Fernández Albor Baltar (Hg.), Estudios de derecho mercantil: Libro homenaje al Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. José Antonio Gómez Segade, Marcial Pons, Madrid 2013, 673 - 684.

Journal articles

Nazar de la Vega, Gonzalo Maria Constitutional Courts in Comparative Law. Argentine System of Legal Information INFOJUS- Public Law Review 2, 6 (2013), 89 (gemeinsam mit Lucía Scheinkman).

Contributions to festschriften

Henning-Bodewig, Frauke The Notion of Comparative Advertising in: Mijlpalen uit het Belgisch mededingingsrecht geannoteerd - Liber Amicorum Jules Stuyck, Kluwer, Mechelen 2013, 528 - 634.