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5896 publications found.

Conference papers

Straus, Joseph Some Thoughts on Complexities and Deficiencies of Patent Protection for Pharmaceuticals in: Slobodan M. Markovic, Dusan V. Popovic (Hg.), The Current Issues of Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law: A View from the Balkans - collected papers of the International Scientific Conference "The Role of Intellectual Property in Positioning the Economy of the Western Balkans in the Global Market", Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade, Belgrade 2016, 11 - 27.

Journal articles

Straus, Joseph How Much Patenting is Needed for Sustainable Global Competitiveness? The Case of Italian Mechanical Engineering Industry Journal of intellectual property law & practice 11, 6 (2016), 450 - 459.

Journal articles

Straus, Joseph Can Antitrust Adequately Assess Patent Settlement Agreements Disconnected from Patent Law Relevant Facts? - The Servier Case – Its Public Perception and its Underlying Facts EIPR 38, 9 (2016), 533 - 544.

Journal articles

Straus, Joseph "Pay for Delay" – A Subtly Hidden, Overlooked or Ignored Transatlantic Divide – Exemplified on the Actavis Decision of the US Supreme Court and the Servier Decision of the EU Commission Zbornik znastvenih razprav (Collection of Scientific Essays) LXXVI (2016), 197 - 234.

Case notes

Lotte, Ricarda Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 28. Juli 2016 - I ZR 9/15 - auf fett getrimmt ZUM 60, 11 (2016), 991 - 993.

Journal articles

Ullrich, Hanns The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Extending Trade Policy to Domestic Markets Revue internationale de droit économique 2016, 4 (2016), 421 - 453.


Balate, Eric (Hg.) Le droit économique entre intérêts privés et intérêt public – Hommage à Laurence Boy PUAM, Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence 2016, 374 S. (gemeinsam mit Josef Drexl et al.).

Contributions to festschriften

Drexl, Josef Einheitlicher Patentschutz durch Kollisionsrecht in: Rechtsdurchsetzung - Rechtsverwirklichung durch materielles Recht und Verfahrensrecht. Festschrift für Hans-Jürgen Ahrens zum 70. Geburtstag, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln 2016, 165 - 179.

Contributions to festschriften

Drexl, Josef La portée économique et politique du droit de la concurrence dans le secteur des médias dans les pays en développement in: Le droit économique entre intérêts privés et intérêt général - Hommage à Laurence Boy, PUAM, Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence 2016, 106 - 125.

Contributions to collected editions

Drexl, Josef Patent exhaustion and free transit at the interface of public health and innovation policies: lessons to be learned from EU competition law practice in: Irene Calboli, Edward Lee (Hg.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Exhaustion and Parallel Imports (Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2016, 249 - 270.