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5872 publications found.


Mürtz, Tassilo Meca-Medina-Test des EuGH - Berücksichtigung sportspezifischer außerwettbewerblicher Faktoren im europäischen Kartellrecht (Schriften zum Sportrecht, 63), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2023, 489 S.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Ciaramella, Laurie (2023). Taxation and the Transfer of Patents: Evidence from Europe European Economic Review 151.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Dermawan, Artha Generative Artificial Intelligence and Copyright in: Proceedings of the AI and IP Research jointly organised by Centre d'études internationales de la propriété intellectuelle (CEIPI) University of Strasbourg and Institut für Internationales Recht, Geistiges Eigentum und Technikrecht (IRGET) TU Dresden), Centre d'études internationales de la propriété intellectuelle (CEIPI); Institut für Internationales Recht, Geistiges Eigentum und Technikrecht (IRGET) TU Dresden, Strasbourg; Dresden 2023, 12 - 25.


Kur, Annette Intellectual Property in the Circular Economy Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 18, 5 (2023), 337 - 338 (gemeinsam mit Irene Calboli).

Articles in Refereed Journals

Hoisl, Karin; Kongsted, Hans Christian; Mariani, Myriam (2023). Lost Marie Curies: Parental Impact on the Probability of Becoming an Inventor Management Science, 69 (3), 1714-1738.

Contributions to Collected Editions

Lutsenko, Anastasiia (Hg.) (2023). Entrepreneurial Orientation: Review and the Case of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian: Підприємницька орієнтація: огляд питання та українські реалії] in: Innovation Ecosystem of Ukraine: Review of the Current State [in Ukrainian: Інноваційна екосистема України: огляд сучасності] Kiyv: DNU "Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine.

Journal articles

Coupette, Corinna Law Smells - Defining and Detecting Problematic Patterns in Legal Drafting Artificial Intelligence and Law 31, 2 (2023), 335 - 368 (gemeinsam mit Dirk Hartung et al.).

Journal articles

Blasetti, Roxana Carmen Strengthening the EU System of Geographical Indications: Impact on Farmers and Food Producers around the World GRUR Int 72, 2 (2023), 107 - 108.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Chugunova, Marina (2023). When Humans Interact with Non-Human Agents / Wir und unsere automatisierten Partner, Highlights 2022 from the Yearbook of the Max Planck Society 2023, 34-35.

Journal articles

Lamping, Matthias Revisiting the Framework for Compulsory Licensing of Patents in the European Union – Reflections on the European Commission’s Initiative GRUR Int 72, 5 (2023), 471 - 482 (gemeinsam mit Pedro Henrique D. Batista et al.).