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5900 publications found.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Hornuf, Lars (2013). Comment on Theodore Eisenberg und Geoffrey Miller: The English vs. the American Rule on Who Pays Attorney fees: An Empirical Study of Publicly-Held Companies’ Contracts, in: Horst Eidenmüller (Hg.), Regulatory Competition in Contract Law and Dispute Resolution. München: C.H.Beck, 497-498.

Contributions to collected editions

Richter, Heiko Contracting Co-Determination: The SE-Directive as a Model? in: Horst Eidenmüller (Hg.), Regulatory Competition in Contract Law and Dispute Resolution, C.H. Beck/Hart Publishing/Nomos, München/Oxford/Baden-Baden 2013, 189 - 199 (gemeinsam mit Gregor Bachmann).

Journal articles

Walz, Axel Patentverletzungsklagen im Lichte des Kartellrechts - In Sachen Europäische Kommission gegen Orange-Book GRUR Int 62, 8/9 (2013), 718 - 731.

Contributions to collected editions

Moscon, Valentina Misure tecnologiche di protezione (diritto d’autore) (Technological Proctection Measures - Copyright) in: Rodolfo Sacco (Hg.), Digesto delle discipline privatistiche - Sezione civile, Aggiornamento 8, UTET, Torino 2013.

Contributions to collected editions

Rampazzo, Natale Arbiter→Arbitration: genesis of a functional word in: Christopher Williams, Girolamo Tessuto (Hg.), Language in the Negotiation of Justice (Law, Language and Communication), Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, GB 2013, 103 - 120.

Case notes

Botta, Marco Commission acting as plaintiff in cases of private enforcement of EU competition law: Otis – Case C-199/11, European Commission v. Otis NV and others, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 6 November 2012 Common Market Law Review 50, 4 (2013), 1105 - 1117.

Case notes

Botta, Marco Testing the Decentralisation of Competition Law Enforcement: Comment on Toshiba European Law Review 38, 1 (2013), 107 - 117.

Journal articles

Botta, Marco State Aid Control in South-East Europe, the Endless Transition European state aid law quarterly 1 (2013), 83 - 94.

Contributions to collected editions

Svetlicinii, Alexandr The Standard of Judicial Review in EU Competition Law Enforcement and Its Compatibility with the Right to a Fair Trial under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in: Tanel Kerikmäe (Hg.), Protecting Human Rights in EU: Controversies and Challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, Springer, New York 2013, 107 - 128 (gemeinsam mit Marco Botta).

Contributions to collected editions

Botta, Marco Competition Policy: EU and Global Competition Networks in: Gerda Falkner, Patrick Müller (Hg.), EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?, Routledge, London 2013, 76 - 92.