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4850 publications found.

Journal articles

Botta, Marco State Aid Control in South-East Europe, the Endless Transition European state aid law quarterly 1 (2013), 83 - 94.

Contributions to collected editions

Svetlicinii, Alexandr The Standard of Judicial Review in EU Competition Law Enforcement and Its Compatibility with the Right to a Fair Trial under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in: Tanel Kerikmäe (Hg.), Protecting Human Rights in EU: Controversies and Challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, Springer, New York 2013, 107 - 128 (gemeinsam mit Marco Botta).

Contributions to collected editions

Botta, Marco Competition Policy: EU and Global Competition Networks in: Gerda Falkner, Patrick Müller (Hg.), EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?, Routledge, London 2013, 76 - 92.

Journal articles

Botta, Marco Competition Policy in Regional Trade Agreements. What is Missing? A Comparative Analysis of Caricom, Andean Community and Mercosur Revista do Instituto Brasileiro De Estudos De Concorrência (Review of the Brazilian Institute for Studies on Competition, IBRAC) 23 (2013).

Case notes

Botta, Marco Opinion of AG Kokott in the case Schenker: ignorance as a new defense in competition law proceedings? Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 2 (2013), 73 - 78 (gemeinsam mit Natalie Harsdorf).

Newspaper articles

Hartmann, Thomas Interview zu: Verlängerung des E-Learning-Paragraphen Studierendenzeitung "UnAufgefordert" der Humboldt-Universität Berlin 14.12.2012, 13.

Journal articles

Pagenberg, Jochen Exclusivity, Transitional Arrangements and Opt-out - Risk of financial disaster for small companies in patent litigation EPLAW Patent Blog 2012.

Journal articles

Surblyte, Gintare The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania adopts a final judgment on a failure to respond to the request for information during the investigation (UAB, Plungės duona) e-Competitions Bulletin November 2012 (2012).

Contributions to encyclopedias

Kraßer, Rudolf Europäisches Patentamt in: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Hg.), Historisches Lexikon Bayerns 2012, Nr. 46013.

Journal articles

Kochupillai, Mrinalini HMT: Time to share benefits with our farmers? SpicyIP India Blog 2012 02.11.2012.