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5896 publications found.

Journal articles

Kraßer, Rudolf Die Rote Taube wird 50 – zur Entwicklung des Patentschutzes von Verfahren zur Züchtung von Pflanzen und Tieren GRUR Int 67, 12 (2018), 1138 - 1146.

Discussion Papers

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Helmers, Christian (2018). The Impact of International Patent Systems: Evidence from Accession to the European Patent Convention NBER Working Paper No. 24207.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Watt, Richard; Mueller-Langer, Frank (2018). Indirect Copyright Infringement Liability for an ISP: An Application of the Theory of the Economics of Contracts under Asymmetric Information Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 15 (2), 57-79.

Conference reports

Sutterer, Moritz Tagungsbericht ALAI Deutschland - Regulierung von Verwertungsgesellschaften - Erfahrungen mit dem VGG GRUR Newsletter 01/2018 (2018), 31 - 33.


Stepanov, Ivan Eli Lilly and Beyond - The Role of International Intellectual Property Treaties in Establishing Legitimate Expectations in Investor-State Dispute Settlement (MIPLC Studies, 33), 1. Aufl. 2018, 84 S.

Journal articles

Desaunettes, Luc Champagne, Sorbets and Geographical Indications – Critical Appraisal of the CJEU Decision Champagner Sorbet (EUGH Aktenzeichen C-393/16) GRUR Int 67, 6 (2018), 550 - 555 (gemeinsam mit Pedro Henrique D. Batista).

Contributions to collected editions

Romandini, Roberto Chapter 15 - The rights conferred by the SPC and its limitations (Art. 5 Reg. 469/2009) in: Roberto Romandini, Reto M. Hilty, Annette Kur (Hg.), Study on the Legal Aspects of Supplementary Protection Certificates in the EU - Final Report, European Commission, Brussels 2018, 301 - 376 (gemeinsam mit Annette Kur et al.).

Contributions to collected editions

Antons, Christoph Copyright Law in Indonesia: From a Hybrid to an Endogenous System? in: John Gilchrist, Brian Fitzgerald (Hg.), Copyright, Property and the Social Contract - The Reconceptualisation of Copyright, Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London 2018, 73 - 88.

Contributions to collected editions

Antons, Christoph Biodiversity, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property in: Charles R. McCanis, Burton Ong (Hg.), The Routledge Handbook on Biodiversity and the Law, Routledge, London and New York 2018, 313 - 325.

Contributions to collected editions

Antons, Christoph Intellectual and Cultural Property and the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in: Christoph Antons, William Logan (Hg.), Intellectual Property, Cultural Property and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Routledge, London and New York 2018, 1 - 17 (gemeinsam mit William Logan).