5896 publications found.
On the Value Base and Control Improvement of the Monopolistic CMOs (Chinese) Intellectual property 30, 6 (2016), 39 - 46.
Informazioni scorrette, perdita di valore dell’investimento del socio e responsabilità aquiliana della società, Nota a: Tribunale di Roma, sentenza 24 ottobre 2014, n. 21193; English translation: Corporate false financial statements which prevented shareholders from promptly divesting their shares and non-contractual liability of the corporation, comments to the judgment n. 21193 held by the Rome Tribunal on the 24th of October 2014 Rivista di diritto societario 2 (2016), 363.
The Politics and Outcomes of Preferential Trade Strategies: Evidence from TRIPS-Plus Provisions in US-Latin America Relations Journal of world trade 50, 6 (2016), 1061 - 1084 (
Second Tobacco Products Directive: proportionality of public health measures against potential competition distortions European Competition Law Review 38, 1 (2016), 1 - 2 (
Conference Report - "Framing – The Hard Core of Unfair Competition Law" GRUR Int 65, 10 (2016), 911 - 914 (
Diskriminierende Werbung, "public policy issues" und das UWG WRP 62, 7 (2016), Editorial.
Distance Sales of Heating Oil and the Consumer's Right of Withdrawal – A Fair Balance? Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 5, 2 (2016), 87 - 91.
Corporate Social Responsibility, the VW Scandal and the UCP Directive Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 5, 4 (2016), 153 - 154.