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4851 publications found.

Journal articles

Rivas, Victoria Use of donor eggs on rise in USA BioNews Blog 2013.


Hilty, Reto M. Comments of the Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law on the Preliminary Set of Provisions for the Rules of Procedure of the Unified Patent Court 2013, 10 S. (gemeinsam mit Thomas Jaeger et al.).

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Batista, Pedro Henrique D. Anmerkung zu: Amsterdam Court of Appeals: No Copyright for an Inarticulate Criminal IPOsgoode 2013.

Journal articles

Husovec, Martin Injunctions against Innocent Third Parties: The Case of Website Blocking Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law 4.2 (2013), 116 - 129.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Batista, Pedro Henrique D. Anmerkung zu: Patent Trolls or Patent Heroes: The Increasing Pressure on Patent Assertion Entities IPOsgoode 2013.

Journal articles

Jaeger, Thomas Die Positivierung des Rückgewährschuldverhältnisses im BGB Zeitschrift für das juristische Studium 6.4 (2013), 327 - 338.

Journal articles

Köklü, Kaya Was bringt der WIPO-Blindenvertrag? iRights info - Urheberrecht und kreatives Schaffen in der digitalen Welt 2013.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Batista, Pedro Henrique D. Anmerkung zu: XBox One: (Not) Attempting to Modernize through Monopolization IPOsgoode 2013 18.07.2013.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Implementando um Instrumento Internacional para Interpretação das Limitações e Exceções aos Direitos de Autor Revista Jurídica do Cesuca 1.1 (2013), 108 03.07.2013.

Case notes

Bakhoum, Mor The Competition Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union finds that Togo infringes regional State aid law by taking actions that favor an undertaking to the detriment of its competitors doing business in the common market (Asky) e-Competitions 52722 (2013).