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4851 publications found.

Contributions to collected editions

Dietz, Adolf Der Einbruch der kulturellen Vielfalt ins Urheberrecht in: Tiziana J. Chuisi, Thomas Gergen, Heike Jung (Hg.), Das Recht und seine historischen Grundlagen. Festschrift für Elmar Wadle zum 70. Geburtstag (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 139), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2008, 91 - 110.

Contributions to festschriften

Dietz, Adolf Regulation of Copyright Law in the new Part IV of the Russian Civil Code: Regression in System, but Moderate Progress in Substance in: Festskrift till Marianne Levin, Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 2008, 213 - 229.

Contributions to collected editions

Dietz, Adolf La réforme législative allemande du 22 mars 2002. Maigres perspectives européennes in: Francine Labadie, François Rouet (Hg.), Travail artistique et économie de la création. Protection, valorisation, régulation (Questions de culture), Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Paris 2008, 159 - 169.

Contributions to collected editions

de Franceschi, Alberto La vendita di beni di consumo in: Luca Di Nella, Lorenzo Mezzasoma, Vito Rizzo (Hg.), Il diritto della distribuzione commerciale (Consumatori oggi, 18), Ed. scientifiche italiane, Napoli 2008, 321 - 381.

Contributions to handbooks

Conde Gallego, Beatriz Unilateral refusal to license indispensable intellectual property rights – US and EU approaches in: Josef Drexl (Hg.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2008, 215 - 238.

Contributions to collected editions

Antons, Christoph Traditional Cultural Expressions and Their Significance for Development in a Digital Environment: Examples from Australia and Southeast Asia in: Christoph Beat Graber, Mira Burri-Nenova (Hg.), Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2008, 287 - 301.

Contributions to collected editions

Antons, Christoph Copyright Law Reform and the Information Society in Indonesia in: Brian Fitzgerald et al. (Hg.), Copyright Law, Digital Content and the Internet in the Asia-Pacific, University Press, Sydney 2008, 235 - 255.

Contributions to commentaries

Schön, Wolfgang Die SE im Steuerrecht in: Marcus Lutter, Peter Hommelhoff (Hg.), SE-Kommentar. SE-VO, SEAG, SEBG; Steuerrecht, Schmidt, Köln 2008, 1069 - 1187 (gemeinsam mit Clemens Philipp Schindler).

Contributions to collected editions

Schricker, Gerhard Wissenschaftler und die VG WORT in: Thomas Keiderling (Hg.), Geist, Recht und Geld - Die VG WORT 1958-2008, De Gruyter Recht, Berlin 2008, 184 - 186.

Contributions to festschriften

Straus, Joseph The Scope of Protection Conferred by European Patents on Transgenic Plants and on Methods for Their Production in: Festskrift till Marianne Levin, Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 2008, 643 - 657.