4838 publications found.
Binnenmarkt am Prüfstand: Neuwagenkauf in Deutschland? Salzburger Nachrichten 25.04.2006, 6.
Comments of the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law (Munich) on the DG Competition discussion paper of December 2005 on the application of Article 82 of the EC Treaty to exclusionary abuses 2006, 24
Prawo własności przemysłowej - przymusowa licencja. Znacjonalizowanym patentem w ptasią grypę Rzeczpospolita 08.03.2006, C4 (
Meistbegünstigung im Steuerrecht der EU-Staaten. Mit Diskussionsbeiträgen eines Münchener Symposions (Münchener Schriften zum Internationalen Steuerrecht, 26), Beck, München 2006, XX + 246
Shpjegime Për ligjin për të Drejtën e Autorit dhe të Dreitat e Tjera të Lidhura me të. (Commentary on the Law of the Republic of Albania no. 9380 of 28.4.2005 on copyright and Related Rights) GTZ, Eschborn 2006, 33
Schuldrecht (De-Gruyter-Lehrbuch ), 10.
Interpretation of Patents in Europe. Application of Article 69 EPC (Intellectual Property), Heymanns, Köln; München [u.a.] 2006, XXXV + 305
Group Report: What is the Role of Heuristics in Making Law? in: Gerd Gigerenzer, Christoph Engel (
Creators' Intellectual Property in the Free Market in: European Writers' Congress (