4851 publications found.
Vorwort in: Michael Lehmann (
Softwarerecht in: Michael Lehmann (
Electronic Business: Der internationale und europäische Rahmen in: Michael Lehmann (
The Rights of the Parties to Results of Works under the Contract on Performance of Research or Design and Technological Works in: The Problems of Intellectual Property: The collection of the scientific works, 10.
The right to access to library stock in an information century: experience of EU, Switzerland and the USA in: The Issues of Improvement of the Rare Books Departments Activity of the Libraries in Information Support of Scientifically-Educational Process: the Materials of the Round Table (Kharkiv, March 29, 2012), The National University "Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine", Kharkiv 2012, 59 - 62.
Contractual Forms of Commercialisation of Intellectual Property Rights in: Legal Support of Commercialization of Researches and Development Results - The Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference (Kharkiv, May 22, 2012), Kharkiv 2012, 91 - 94.
§ 5a UWG - Irreführung durch Unterlassen. Ein neuer Tatbestand im UWG (Schriftenreihe zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, 182), Heymanns, Köln 2012, XXVI + 287
Tatsachen- und Informationsbeschaffung im Immaterialgüterrechtsprozess (Schriftenreihe zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, 179), Heymanns, Köln 2012, XXI + 368