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5900 publications found.

Research Papers

Laan, Nicole van der The Use of Trade Marks in Keyword Advertising - Developments in ECJ and National Jurisprudence (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property & Competition Law Research Paper, No. 12-06 ), 2012, 51 S.


Hartmann, Thomas Rezension von: Josef Limper, Christian Musiol (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Fachanwalts Urheber- und Medienrecht. Köln: Carl Heymanns/Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH, 2011, 1552 S. ISBN 978-3-452-27431-1 IUWIS-Blog 2012.


Hartmann, Thomas Rezension von: Wolfgang Büscher, Stefan Dittmer und Peter Schiwy (Hrsg.): Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz Urheberrecht Medienrecht. Köln: Carl Heymanns/Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH, 2011, 3232 S., ISBN: 978-3-452-27330-7 IUWIS-Blog 2012.

Journal articles

Pérez Fernández, Patricia The Spanish Competition Authority publishes a report on the bill to create the National Markets and Competition Commission (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y de la Competencia) e-Competitions 49041 (2012).

Research Papers

Hilty, Reto M. Overview of National Reports About 'Balancing Copyright' (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property & Competition Law Research Paper, No. 12-05 ), 2012, 94 S. (gemeinsam mit Sylvie Nérisson).

Journal articles

Pérez Fernández, Patricia The Spanish Competition Authority fines multinational electric utility company more than € 10 million for unfair competition (Iberdrola) e-Competitions 45548 (2012).

Journal articles

Pérez Fernández, Patricia The Spanish Competition Authority fines the maritime transport companies operating in the Balearic Islands for participating in a cartel (Balearic Eurolíneas Marítimas, Compañía Transmediterránea and Islena Marítima de Contenedores) e-Competitions 45549 (2012).

Journal articles

Surblyte, Gintare The Lithuanian Competition Council fines a company for a failure to respond to the request for information during the investigation (Plunges duona) e-Competitions Bulletin February 2012 (2012).

Journal articles

Pérez Fernández, Patricia The Spanish Competition Authority fines two car manufacturers for exchanging sensitive commercial information (Honda, Suzuki motors) e-Competitions 44143 (2012).

Contributions to collected editions

Hilty, Reto M. Potenzial und Grenzen der Revision von Art. 5 KG in: Roger Zäch, Rolf H. Weber, Andreas Heinemann (Hg.), Revision des Kartellgesetzes - kritische Würdigung der Botschaft 2012 durch Zürcher Kartellrechtler, Dike, St. Gallen, Zürich 2012, 81 - 103 (gemeinsam mit Alfred Früh).