4851 publications found.
Brief amici curiae of Law Professors and Scholars”, filed in the Supreme court case American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, Inc. No. 13-461 2014, VI + 28 + 5
Event review: European Patent System versus European Patent System Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property Blog 2014 (
Interim Measures: An Overview of EU and National Case Law Bulletin e-Competitions 2014 (
Challenges for the Enforcement of Copyright in the Online World: Time for a New Approach (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper, No. 14-01), 2014, 24
Zugang zu standardessenziellen Patenten als moderne Regulierungsaufgabe: Wie reagiert das EU-Kartellrecht auf Patentkriege zwischen chinesischen Unternehmen? (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Discussion Paper, No. 5), 2014, 50
The Italian Competition Authority Fines a Pharmaceutical Company for Having "Artificially Differentiated" Their Medicinal Products in Breach of Article 101 TFEU (Roche- Novartis/Farmaci Avastin e Lucentis) Bulletin e-Competitions 2014 (
Stellungnahme zum Merkblatt "Inlandsauswirkungen in der Fusionskontrolle des Bundeskartellamts" vom 5. Dezember 2013 2014, 4
La limitation de la propriété intellectuelle comme moyen d'encourager l'innovation in: Le droit de la propriété intellectuelle dans un monde globalisé - Mélanges en l'honneur ou professor Joanna Schmidt-Szalewski (Collection du CEIPI, 61), LexisNexis, Paris 2014, 207 - 219.