5894 publications found.
Die Zukunft der Kammern für Handelssachen Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 72, 3 (2019), 131 - 136 (
Consumer Law in Germany: A Shift to Public Enforcement? Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 8, 2 (2019), 75 - 82 (
Issues Surrounding Deposit and Release of Biological Material for Patent Granting Procedures European intellectual property review 41, 9 (2019), 546 - 554.
The Right to Priority in Article 4A (1) of the Paris Convention and Article 87 (1) of the European Patent Convention Journal of intellectual property law & practice 14, 9 (2019), 687 - 698.
Pravni red na prepihu – Evropa na pragu 100. obletnice versajske mirovne pogodbe (Legal Order in the Draft: Europe on the Eve of the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, extended, adapted and updated Slovene translation of the English version published in the Annals of Fondazione Luigi Einaudi 2018/1, pp. 95 - 106), Festive Lecture on the Occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Yearbook of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts 69 (2019), 11 - 24.
Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urt. v. 29.7.2019 – C-476/17 – Pelham u.a. Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Internationaler Teil 68, 11 (2019), 1092 - 1095.
Les inventions mises en oeuvre par ordinateur: enjeux, pratiques et perspectives (Collection du CEIPI, 67), LexisNexis, Paris 2019, XX + 317
Les inventions mises en oeuvre par ordinateur: actualité et enjeux de l’extension contemporaine de la brevetabilité in: Matthieu Dhenne, Christophe Geiger (