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5900 publications found.

Journal articles

Lorrain, Anne-Catherine Delineating and Promoting an Online "Legal Offer" - A Proper Task for Copyright Legislation? Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law 3.2 (2012), 116 - 125.

Journal articles

Nérisson, Sylvie La lex google d’outre-Rhin, un nouveau droit voisin pour les éditeurs de presse IRPI-flash 2012 18.10.2012.

Journal articles

Pérez Fernández, Patricia ´The Spanish Competition Authority issues a report warning that few operators control the fuel market after oil companies raise their margins by 20% since the start of the crisis e-Competitions 49469 (2012).

Journal articles

Pérez Fernández, Patricia The Provincial Court of Madrid Accepts the Passing-on Defence in the Sugar Cartel Bulletin e-Competitions 2012.

Newspaper articles

Hartmann, Thomas Streit ums Buch zu Lasten Dritter FAZ 26.09.2012.

Conference papers

Giedke, Anna Copyright and Related Rights in the Cloud Environment [National Reports - ALAI Conference 2012 in Kyoto] 2012.

Journal articles

Nazar de la Vega, Gonzalo Maria Relevant aspects of the Draft Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation Argentine System of Legal Information - SAIJ 2012 (gemeinsam mit María Andrea Libaak).

Research Papers

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Options within the IP System to Promote Minor Innovations 2012, 16 S.

Journal articles

Kochupillai, Mrinalini Protecting Parental Lines of Extant Hybrids in India, Parts I and II SpicyIP India Blog 2012 12.09.2012.

Journal articles

Lorrain, Anne-Catherine Graduated response beyond the copyright balance: why and how the French HADOPI takes consumers as targets Info - Special issue: EuroCPR Policies for the Future Internet 14.6 (2012), 34 - 44, 17.07.2012 (gemeinsam mit Heritiana Ranaivoson).