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4851 publications found.

Research Papers

Stobo, Victoria Current Best Practices among Cultural Heritage Institutions when Dealing with Copyright Orphan Works and Analysis of Crowdsourcing Options (Report, 3), 2018, 62 S. (gemeinsam mit Kris Erickson et al.).

Research Papers

Desaunettes, Luc La transposition de la directive 'secret d’affaires' en droit français: une analyse de la proposition de loi adoptée par l’Assemblée nationale (The Transposition of the Trade Secrets Directive into French Law: An Analysis of the Text Adopted by the French National Assembly) (Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) Research Paper, No. 2018-03), 2018, 24 S.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Sakowsky Ediboglu, Ezgi Effectiveness Analysis of the United Nations Climate Change Regime University of Aberdeen School of Law - Blog 2018.

Research Papers

Geiger, Christophe The Exception for Text and Data Mining (TDM) in the Proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market - Legal Aspects - In-Depth Analysis for the Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union, Policy Department Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament 2018, 29 S. (gemeinsam mit Giancarlo Frosio, Oleksandr Bulayenko).

Research Papers

Wiedemann, Klaus Automated Processing of Personal Data for the Evaluation of Personality Traits: Legal and Ethical Issues (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 18-04), 2018, 34 S.


Davidson, Nestor (Hg.) Cambridge Handbook of the Law of the Sharing Economy Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018, XXIII + 497 S. (gemeinsam mit Michele Finck, John Infranca).

Journal articles

Finck, Michele Digital co-regulation: designing a supranational legal framework for the platform economy European Law Review 43, 1 (2018), 47 - 68.

Journal articles

Finck, Michele Fragmentation as an agent of integration: Subnational authorities in EU law International Journal of Constitutional Law 15, 4 (2018), 1119 - 1134.

Contributions to handbooks

Finck, Michele The Sharing Economy and the EU in: Nestor M. Davidson, Michele Finck, John J. Infranca (Hg.), Cambridge Handbook of the Law of the Sharing Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018, 261 - 273.

Journal articles

Contreras, Jorge L. Patent Assertion Entities and Legal Exceptionalism in Europe and the United States, a Comparative View IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 2, 3 (2018), 80 - 85 (gemeinsam mit Peter Georg Picht).