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5899 publications found.

Contributions to collected editions

Geiger, Christophe Exploring the Flexibilities of the TRIPS Agreement’s Provisions on Limitations and Exceptions in: Annette Kur, Vytautas Mizaras (Hg.), The Structure Of Intellectual Property Law - Can One Size Fit All?, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2011, 287 - 307.

Contributions to collected editions

Geiger, Christophe Towards a New Instrument of Protection for Software in the EU? - Learning the Lessons from the Harmonization Failure of Software Patentability in: Gustavo Ghidini, Emanuela Arezzo (Hg.), Biotechnology And Software Patent Law - A Comparative Review of New Developments, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2011, 153 - 192 (gemeinsam mit Reto M. Hilty).

Contributions to collected editions

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Protecting intellectual property under BITs, FTAs, and TRIPS: conflicting regimes or mutual coherence? in: Chester Brown, Kate Miles (Hg.), Evolution in Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2011, 485 - 515.

Journal articles

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning The International Law Relation between TRIPs and Subsequent TRIPs-Plus Free Trade Agreements: Towards Safeguarding TRIPs Flexibilities Journal of intellectual property law 18, 2 (2011), 325 - 365.

Journal articles

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning A Trade Agreement creating barriers to international trade? - ACTA Border Measures and Goods in Transit American University of International Law Review 26, 3 (2011), 645 - 726.

Contributions to collected editions

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Enough is enough - the notion of binding ceilings in international intellectual property protection in: Annette Kur, Marianne Levin (Hg.), Intellectual property rights in a fair world trade system - proposals for reform of TRIPs, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2011, 359 - 407 (gemeinsam mit Annette Kur).

Journal articles

Henning-Bodewig, Frauke Der "ehrbare Kaufmann", Corporate Social Responsibility und das Lauterkeitsrecht WRP 57, 8 (2011), 1014 - 1023.

Journal articles

Henning-Bodewig, Frauke „AdWords” und der Werbende – Verwirrung (nicht nur) im französischen Recht GRUR Int 60, 7 (2011), 592 - 598.

Contributions to collected editions

Jaeger, Thomas The Framework for IP Rights Enforcement in the EU in: Christoph Antons (Hg.), The Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Comparative Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region (Max Planck Series on Asian Intellectual Property Law, 15), Kluwer, Alphen an den Rijn 2011, 42 - 72.

Journal articles

Lewinski, Silke von Recent Developments of German Authors' Rights Law Auteurs & media 2 (2011), 162 - 178.