
Extended search  

4836 publications found.

Contributions to collected editions

Globocnik, Jure Rechte an Daten und Datenzugangsrechte in: Kuuya Chibanguza, Christian Kuß, Hans Steege (Hg.), Künstliche Intelligenz - Recht und Praxis automatisierter und autonomer Systeme, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2022, 93 - 110 (gemeinsam mit Heiko Richter).

Journal articles

Adekola, Tolulope Compulsory Licences in a Regional Context: An Appraisal of the TRIPS Amendment’s Special Regional Treatment GRUR Int 71, 9 (2022), 822 - 830.

Collected editions

Correa, Carlos (Hg.) Access to Medicines and Vaccines - Implementing Flexibilities Under Intellectual Property Law Springer, Cham (Switzerland) 2022, X + 369 S. (gemeinsam mit Reto M. Hilty).

Journal articles

Lewinski, Silke von The implementation of the Digital Single Market Directive of 2019 in Germany RIDA 271, 1 (2022), 57 - 99.


Sun, Jingzhou Personality Merchandising and the GDPR: An Insoluble Conflict? (MIPLC Studies, 42), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2022, 282 S.

Journal articles

Mazaraki, Nataliia Foreign Direct Investment Screening: Between Scylla and Charybdis Foreign trade: economics, finance,law 123, 4 (2022), 4 - 13 (gemeinsam mit Yuliia Honcharova).

Contributions to festschriften

Kur, Annette Geistiges Eigentum im Dienst der Information – eine Rückschau in: Gestaltung der Informationsrechtsordnung - Festschrift für Thomas Dreier zum 65. Geburtstag, C.H. Beck, München 2022, 33 - 44.

Journal articles

Beneke Ávila, Francisco The German Federal Supreme Court's Judgment in as a Case Study of the Limitations of Competition Law IIC 53, 9 (2022), 1374 - 1386.

Contributions to collected editions

Straus, Joseph European Union After the Crisis: Risks and Opportunities – The Problem of "Uncomfortable Knowledge" and "Institutional Forgetfulness" in: Alessandro Cavalli et al. (Hg.), Una Nuova Politica Economica e Tributaria per l’Unione Europea, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Atti dei Convegni Lincei, 348), Bardi Edizioni, Rom 2022, 9 - 41.


Ubertazzi, Benedetta Intangible Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property - International and European Perspectives (Munich Studies on Innovation and Competition, 18), Springer, Cham 2022, XIII + 384 S.