4817 publications found.
LG Berlin: Rechtsnachfolge zum digitalen Nachlass (Urteil vom 17.12.2015 - 20 O 172/15) Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht 8, 2 (2016), 37.
BGH: Belieferungspflicht bei unternehmensbedingter Abhängigkeit (Urteil vom 6.10.2015 – KZR 87/13) Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht 7, 23 (2016), 500.
Some Thoughts on Complexities and Deficiencies of Patent Protection for Pharmaceuticals in: Slobodan M. Markovic, Dusan V. Popovic (
How Much Patenting is Needed for Sustainable Global Competitiveness? The Case of Italian Mechanical Engineering Industry Journal of intellectual property law & practice 11, 6 (2016), 450 - 459.
Can Antitrust Adequately Assess Patent Settlement Agreements Disconnected from Patent Law Relevant Facts? - The Servier Case – Its Public Perception and its Underlying Facts EIPR 38, 9 (2016), 533 - 544.
"Pay for Delay" – A Subtly Hidden, Overlooked or Ignored Transatlantic Divide – Exemplified on the Actavis Decision of the US Supreme Court and the Servier Decision of the EU Commission Zbornik znastvenih razprav (Collection of Scientific Essays) LXXVI (2016), 197 - 234.
Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 28. Juli 2016 - I ZR 9/15 - auf fett getrimmt ZUM 60, 11 (2016), 991 - 993.
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Extending Trade Policy to Domestic Markets Revue internationale de droit économique 2016, 4 (2016), 421 - 453.