5896 publications found.
Journal articles
Henning-Bodewig, Frauke "Sexistische Werbung" - ein Fall für den Gesetzgeber? Jahrbuch Deutscher Werberat 2017 (2017), 12 - 15.
Pflüger, Claudius Gerechter Ausgleich und angemessene Vergütung - Dispositionsmöglichkeiten bei Vergütungsansprüchen aus gesetzlichen Lizenzen (Abhandlungen zum Urheber- und Kommunikationsrecht, 61), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2017, 308 S.
Journal articles
Tsilikas, Haris Huawei v. ZTE in Context – EU Competition Policy and Collaborative Standardization in Wireless Telecommunications IIC 48, 2 (2017), 151 - 178.
Case notes
Slowinski, Peter R. Case Note on: "United Video Properties" IIC 48, 3 (2017), 373 - 377.
Collected editions
Parcu, Pier Luigi (Hg.) Abuse of Dominance in EU Competition Law: Emerging Trends Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2017, XV + 192 S. (gemeinsam mit Giorgo Monti, Marco Botta).
Contributions to collected editions
Botta, Marco Competition Policy: safeguarding the Commission's competences in State aid control in: Gerda Falkner (Hg.), EU Policies in Times of Crisis, Routledge, London; New York 2017, 47 - 60.
Contributions to collected editions
Parcu, Pier Luigi Introduction in: Pier Luigi Parcu, Giorgo Monti, Marco Botta (Hg.), Abuse of Dominance in EU Competition Law: Emerging Trends, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2017, 1 - 11 (gemeinsam mit Giorgo Monti, Marco Botta).
Contributions to collected editions
Karova, Rozeta Sanctioning Excessive Energy Prices as Abuse of Dominance; Are the EU Commission and the National Competition Authorities on the Same Frequency? in: Pier Luigi Parcu, Giorgo Monti, Marco Botta (Hg.), Abuse of Dominance in EU Competition Law: Emerging Trends, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2017, 169 - 184 (gemeinsam mit Marco Botta).
Journal articles
Picht, Peter Unwired Planet v. Huawei: A Seminal SEP/FRAND Decision from the UK GRUR Int 66, 7 (2017), 569 - 579.
Journal articles
Spina Alì, Gabriele TRIPS and Disclosure of Clinical Information: An Intellectual Property Perspective on Data Sharing The Journal of World Intellectual Property 20, 1-2 (2017), 24 - 56.