5899 publications found.
Invention Processes and Economic Uses of Patents: Evidence from the PatVal 2 Survey.
(2014).The Impact of Network Structure and Network Behavior on Inventor Productivity.
(2014).New legislative means to foster software interoperability within the European Union? A survey of the measures envisaged by the European Commission in the Digital Agenda Actas de derecho industrial y derecho de autor 34 (2014), 379 - 392.
Report - Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany. Berlin: EFI.
(2014).Internationaler Investitionsschutz auf der Krim - Fokus auf Enteignung. Starptautisko investīciju tiesību aizsardzība Krimā. Fokusā ekspropriācija (International investment protection in Crimea. Focus on expropriation in: Tiesību efektivitāte postmodernā sabiedrībā - Latvijas Universitātes 73. zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums (Die Effektivität des Rechts in der postmodernen Gesellschaft, Universität Lettlands 73. Band der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz), LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, Rīga 2014, 267 - 276.
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Small Business Administration Lending on Growth: Evidence from U.S. County-Level Data NBER Working Paper No. 20543.
State and Public Sports Policies: The Brazilian Context The Journal of the Latin American Sociocultural Studies of Sport (ALESDE) 2014, 4 - 15 (
Regional Development in Brazil: The Contributions of Francisco de Oliveira in: II Seminar on Regional Development, State and Society (SEDRES) - Proceedings, EDUEPB/UEPB, Campina Grande/PB 2014 (