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5900 publications found.

Case notes

Husovec, Martin Case note on the case [Poznámky k prípadu] Revue pro právo a technologie 8 (2013).

Journal articles

Husovec, Martin Public Interest in the Copyright law. Exceptions and Limitations, restrictively? [Verejný záujem v autorskom práve. Výnimky a obmedzenia, reštriktívne?] Právny obzor 96, 5 (2013), 472 - 498.


Kur, Annette European Intellectual Property Law - Text, Cases and Materials Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2013, XLIV + 548 S. (gemeinsam mit Thomas Dreier).

Collected editions

Basedow, Jürgen Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property - The CLIP Principles and Commentary Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013, XLVI + 507 S. (gemeinsam mit Pedro de Miguel Asensio et al.).

Contributions to collected editions

Kur, Annette Kommentierung von Art. 2:202 - Art. 2:204 (S. 69-97); Art. 2:602 (S. 173-177); Art. 3:601 - 3:606 (S. 301-347) in The Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property - The CLIP Principles and Comment in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (Hg.), The Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property - The CLIP Principles and Comment, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013.

Contributions to collected editions

Kur, Annette Evaluation of the Functioning of the EU Trademark System: The Trade Mark Study in: Christophe Geiger (Hg.), Construction European Intellectual Property (European Intellectual Property Institutes Network Series, 1), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2013, 123 - 136.

Journal articles

Kur, Annette ATRIP and Publications WIPO Journal 4, 2 (2013), 269 - 277 (gemeinsam mit Jan Rósen).

Journal articles

Kur, Annette Harmonization of intellectual property law in Europe: The ECJ trade mark case law 2008–2012 Common Market Law Review 50, 3 (2013), 773 - 804.

Contributions to collected editions

Lewinski, Silke von International Treaties on Performers' Rights in: CPRA (Hg.), Jitsuenka Gairon (Overview of Performers' Rights Theory), Keiso Shobo, Tokio 2013, 395 - 414.

Contributions to collected editions

Dietz, Adolf Teil "Germany" [Update 2012/13] in: Paul Edward Geller (Hg.), International Copyright Law and Practice, Release 25, LexisNexis, Newark, NJ 2013, GER-1 - GER-170.