5901 publications found.
Predictions on the Medical Device Economic Comeback. Podcast Interview with Rick Barnett (CEO, Rep-Lite).
(2020).Patents and Knowledge Diffusion: The Effect of Early Disclosure Research Policy, 49 (4).
(2020).Patents, Innovation, and Development Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 20-07.
(2020).Two's a Company, Three’s a Crowd: Deal Breaker Terms in Equity Crowdfunding for Prospective Venture Capital Small Business Economics, 57 (2), 927-952.
(2020).Truly Standard-Essential Patents? - A Semantics-Based Analysis CEPR Discussion Paper 14726. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research.
My Data, My Terms: A Proposal for Personal Data Use Licenses Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 2020 (
Identifying and Measuring Developments in Artificial Intelligence: Making the Impossible Possible OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers No. 2020/05.
Datentreuhandmodelle - Themenpapier 2020, 10