4851 publications found.
Contributions to festschriften
Straus, Joseph Das Regime des European Telecommunications Standards Institute – ETSI: Grundsätze, anwendbares Recht und die Wirkung der ETSI gegenüber abgegebenen Erklärungen in: Liber amicorum Krešimir Sajko: zbornik radova u čast prof. em. Krešimiru Sajku, Pravni Fak., Zagreb 2012, 45 - 78.
Journal articles
Straus, Joseph EPC Article 105(1) Practice Curtails Interveners' Rights Journal of intellectual property law & practice 7, 11 (2012), 801 - 804.
Contributions to collected editions
Straus, Joseph Zuowei zhuanlifa wenti zhi jiyin ziyuan qiyuan de shuoming (Angabe des Ursprungs genetischer Ressourcen als Problem des Patentrechts) in: Liu Xiaohai (Hg.), Deguo zhishichanquan lilun yu jingdian panli yanjiu (Theorie des geistigen Eigentums in Deutschland und Untersuchung klassischer Fälle), Zhishi chanquan chubanshe (Geistiges-Eigentum-Verlag), Peking 2012, 19 - 29.
Contributions to encyclopedias
Straus, Joseph European Patent in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (Hg.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Bd. 1, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 2012, 628 - 634.
Contributions to encyclopedias
Straus, Joseph Utility Model in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (Hg.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Bd. 2, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 2012, 1758 - 1762.
Contributions to encyclopedias
Straus, Joseph Patent Law in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (Hg.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Bd. 2, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 2012, 1255 - 1259.
Contributions to encyclopedias
Straus, Joseph Plant Variety Protection in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (Hg.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Bd. 2, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012, 1281 - 1285.
Contributions to collected editions
Straus, Joseph Tokkyo sei ni okeru koukyou no chitsujyo to zenryou no fuzoku (Ordre Public and Morality Issues in Patent Eligibility) in: Toshiko Takenaka (Hg.), Gendai chiteki zaisan hou kouza 3 chiteki zaisan hou no kokusai teki kousaku (Global Interface between Japanese and Foreign Intellectual Property Systems) (New Intellectual Property Law Lecture Series, 3), Nippon Hyoronsha, Tokyo 2012, 295 - 330.
Journal articles
Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Internationaler Investitionsschutz und geistiges Eigentum Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum 4, 1 (2012), 37 - 69.
Case notes
Fischmann, Filipe Comments on the "Lexapro" Decision of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice of 17th August 2011 (and translation of the decision) IIC 43, 2 (2012), 217 - 221.