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4850 publications found.

Contributions to collected editions

Botta, Marco The Impact of Multi-Jurisdictional Concentrations on the New Competition Law Jurisdictions, Case Study on Brazil in: Richard Whish, Christopher Townley (Hg.), New Competition Jurisdictions: Shaping Policies and Building Institutions, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2012, 260 - 287.

Journal articles

Botta, Marco Decentralization of State Aid Enforcement in the Context of the EU Enlargement Mediterranean Competition Bulletin (published by DG Competition of the European Commission) 8 (2012), 100 - 114.

Research Papers

Botta, Marco Does the EU Competition Model Satisfy the Needs of the Emerging Economies? Lessons from Countries without a Carrot Framework for Economic Development in EU External Relations 2012.

Contributions to collected editions

Bakhoum, Mor Institutional coherence and effectiveness of a regional competition policy - the case of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) in: Josef Drexl et al. (Hg.), Competition Policy and Regional Integration in Developing Countries, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2012, 89 - 115 (gemeinsam mit Julia Molestina).

Conference papers

Hartmann, Thomas Ohne 3. Korb: Trends für einen wissenschafts- und medienfreundlichen Urheberschutz in: Jürgen Taeger (Hg.), IT und Internet - mit Recht gestalten, OlWIR Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht, Oldenburg 2012, 245 - 260.

Case notes

Hartmann, Thomas Weiterverkauf und "Verleih" online vertriebener Inhalte - Zugleich eine Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 3. Juli 2012, Rs. C-128/11 - UsedSoft./. Oracle GRUR Int 61, 11 (2012), 980 - 989.

Conference papers

Geiger, Christophe Defining the Scope of Protection of Copyright in the EU: The Need to Reconsider the Acquis regarding Limitations and Exceptions in: Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou (Hg.), Towards a European Copyright Code - Challenges and Perspectives (Information Law Series, 29), Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn 2012, 133 - 167 (gemeinsam mit Franciska Schönherr).

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe 'Humanising' the Intellectual Property System - Securing a Fair Balance of Interests through Fundamental Rights at European and International Level (publication in Japanese) The quarterly review of corporation law and society 33 (2012), 291.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Quelle mise en œuvre des droits de propriété intellectuelle au niveau international? - Retour sur l’Accord commercial anti-contrefaçon (ACTA) Propriétés intellectuelles 43 (2012), 201 - 210.

Journal articles

DuMont, Jason Functionality in Design Protection Systems Journal of Intellectual Property Law 19 (2012), 261 (gemeinsam mit Mark Janis).