4850 publications found.
The Impact of Multi-Jurisdictional Concentrations on the New Competition Law Jurisdictions, Case Study on Brazil in: Richard Whish, Christopher Townley (
Decentralization of State Aid Enforcement in the Context of the EU Enlargement Mediterranean Competition Bulletin (published by DG Competition of the European Commission) 8 (2012), 100 - 114.
Does the EU Competition Model Satisfy the Needs of the Emerging Economies? Lessons from Countries without a Carrot Framework for Economic Development in EU External Relations 2012.
Institutional coherence and effectiveness of a regional competition policy - the case of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) in: Josef Drexl et al. (
Ohne 3. Korb: Trends für einen wissenschafts- und medienfreundlichen Urheberschutz in: Jürgen Taeger (
Weiterverkauf und "Verleih" online vertriebener Inhalte - Zugleich eine Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 3. Juli 2012, Rs. C-128/11 - UsedSoft./. Oracle GRUR Int 61, 11 (2012), 980 - 989.
Defining the Scope of Protection of Copyright in the EU: The Need to Reconsider the Acquis regarding Limitations and Exceptions in: Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou (
'Humanising' the Intellectual Property System - Securing a Fair Balance of Interests through Fundamental Rights at European and International Level (publication in Japanese) The quarterly review of corporation law and society 33 (2012), 291.