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5882 publications found.

Journal articles

Richter, Heiko Zugang des Staates zu Daten der Privatwirtschaft Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 53, 8 (2020), 245 - 248.

Journal articles

Blasetti, Roxana Carmen Geographical Indications: A Major Challenge for MERCOSUR GRUR Int 69, 11 (2020), 1113 - 1122.

Journal articles

Blasetti, Roxana Carmen Intellectual Property in the EU-MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges for Family Farming Blog: Fundación Foro del Sur 2020.

Journal articles

Zafrilla Diaz-Marta, Vicente Open Standards and Open Source: Characterization and Typologies Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 15, 9 (2020), 700 - 710 (gemeinsam mit Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis).

Case notes

Wiedemann, Klaus A Matter of Choice: The German Federal Supreme Court’s Interim Decision in the Abuse-of-Dominance Proceedings Bundeskartellamt v. Facebook (Case KVR 69/19) IIC 51, 9 (2020), 1168 - 1181.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Reforming, Limiting or Repealing IP Rights: What Are the Insights from Constitutional Theory and Fundamental Rights? JOTWELL - The Journal of Things We Like (Lots) 2020.

Journal articles

Gocci, Alessandro The Synergy of Tradition and Innovation Leading to Sustainable Geographical Indication Products: A Literature Review Journal of Management and Sustainability 10, 1 (2020), 152 - 161 (gemeinsam mit Christoph Luetge).

Journal articles

Gocci, Alessandro Between Tradition and Sustainable Innovation: Empirical Evidence for the Role of Geographical Indications International Business Research 13, 9 (2020), 101 - 112 (gemeinsam mit Christoph Luetge, Hristos Vakoufaris).


Minssen, Timo Social, Cultural and Economic Aspects of Antimicrobial Resistance Bulletin of the World Health Organization 98, 12 (2020), 823 - 823A (gemeinsam mit Kevin Outterson et al.).

Journal articles

Wiedemann, Klaus Personenbezogene Daten als vertragliche Gegenleistung im Sinne der Richtlinie (EU) 2019/770: Welche Rolle spielen die DSGVO und die ePrivacy-Verordnung im digitalen Verbrauchervertragsrecht? GRUR Newsletter 10, 2 (2020), 23 - 25.