5896 publications found.
Das Hochschulbefristungsrecht in der Reform: Die Novelle des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht 21 (2016), 257 - 267 (
Education for Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Challenge in: 3rd SEDRES - Seminar on Regional Development, State and Society - Proceedings, Blumenau/SC 2016 (
Geographical Indications: Possibilities for Sustainable Regional Development in: 3rd SEDRES - Seminar on Regional Development, State and Society - Proceedings, Blumenau/SC 2016 (
Zhuan li fa (Patentrecht) - De guo zhuan li he shi yong xin xing fa, Ou zhou he guo ji zhuan li fa (Ein Lehr- und Handbuch zum deutschen Patent- und Gebrauchsmusterrecht, europäischen und internationalen Patentrecht) 6.
Mandating Portability as a Strategy to Achieve Interoperability between On-line Platforms: Pros & Cons in: Internet Law & Politics Conference Book: Building a European Digital Space, Barcelona 2016.
Report - Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany. Berlin: EFI.
(2016).Oxford Business Law Blog 2016.
(2016). The Economic Impact of Forming a European Company,
Parallel Imports and the Principle of Exhaustion of Rights in Latin America in: Irene Calboli, Edward Lee (
20 años de la OMC: la instrumentación del acuerdo sobre los aspectos de los derechos de propiedad intelectual relacionados con el comercio de América Latina in: Valentina Delich, Dorotea López, Felipe Muñoz (