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5901 publications found.

Contributions to festschriften

Straus, Joseph Access to Patented Plant Material for Plant Breeders - The Problem and the German Solution, Recent Development of the Academic Disputes on the Intellectual Property Laws and the Competition Law in: Publication of Articles in commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Professor Dr. Nobuo Monya, Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation, Tokio 2006, 1310 - 1298.

Contributions to festschriften

Straus, Joseph Priority Right, 35 U.S.C. Section 102 (d) Bar and the TRIPS Obligations of the USA – A last Chance to Analyze the Issue? in: Festschrift für Eike Ullmann, juris GmbH, Saarbrücken 2006, 515 - 544.

Contributions to commentaries

Schricker, Gerhard Kommentierung Einl. Rdnr. 1-49 UrhG in: Gerhard Schricker (Hg.), Urheberrecht. Kommentar, 3. Aufl., Beck, München 2006, 1 - 32.

Contributions to collected editions

Sattler de Sousa e Brito, Clara Does Patent Granting Hinder the Development of Gene Therapy Products? in: Jörg Niewöhner, Christof Tannert (Hg.), Gene Therapy. Prospective Prospective Technology Assessment in its Societal Context, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2006, 159 - 180.

Contributions to collected editions

Pagenberg, Jochen The French Practice in: Jochen Pagenberg, William R. Cornish (Hg.), Interpretation of Patents in Europe. Application of Article 69 EPC (Heymanns Intellectual Property), Heymanns, Köln 2006, 103 - 137.

Contributions to collected editions

Pagenberg, Jochen History of Article 69 EPC in: Jochen Pagenberg, William R. Cornish (Hg.), Interpretation of Patents in Europe. Application of Article 69 EPC, Heymanns, Köln 2006, 1 - 11.

Contributions to collected editions

Pagenberg, Jochen Conclusion and Proposals for Greater Harmonization in: Jochen Pagenberg, William R. Cornish (Hg.), Interpretation of Patents in Europe. Application of Article 69 EPC, Heymanns, Köln 2006, 251 - 286.

Contributions to collected editions

Mackenrodt, Mark-Oliver Germany in: Pradeep S. Mehta (Hg.), Competition Regimes in the World - A Civil Society Report, CUTS International, Jaipur 2006, 380 - 386.

Contributions to festschriften

Lehmann, Michael The Answer to the Machine Is Not in the Machine in: Festschrift für Jochen Pagenberg zum 65. Geburtstag, Heymanns, Köln 2006, 413 - 419.

Contributions to festschriften

Lehmann, Michael The Current Reforms of German Competition and Antitrust Law in: Chiteki zaisankenhō to kyōsōhō no gendai teki hatten. Publication of articles in commemoration of the 70th birthday of Professor Dr. Nobuo Monya, Hatsumei Kyokai, Tokio 2006, 1227 - 1234.