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5894 publications found.

Contributions to collected editions

Dhenne, Matthieu Avant-propos in: Matthieu Dhenne, Christophe Geiger (Hg.), Les inventions mises en oeuvre par ordinateur: enjeux, pratiques et perspectives /Computer-Implemented Inventions: Challenges, Current Practices and Perspectives (Collection du CEIPI, 67), LexisNexis, Paris 2019, XVIII - XX (gemeinsam mit Christophe Geiger).

Journal articles

Rognstad, Ole-Andreas The delicate scope of economic rights in EU copyright law: opinion of the European Copyright Society in light of case C-161/17, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen v Renckhoff (Cordoba Case) European intellectual property review 41, 6 (2019), 335 - 338 (gemeinsam mit Christophe Geiger et al.).

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Towards a European 'Fair Use' Grounded in Freedom of Expression American University International Law Review 35, 1 (2019), 1 - 74 (gemeinsam mit Elena Izyumenko).

Contributions to collected editions

Geiger, Christophe Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreements and the Harmonization of Copyright Law at International Level: Lessons to Be Learned from the TTIP in: Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou (Hg.), Pluralism or Universalism in International Copyright Law (Information Law Series), Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn 2019, 279 - 296.

Contributions to collected editions

Geiger, Christophe Text and Data Mining: Articles 3 and 4 of the Directive 2019/790/EU in: Raquel Evangelio Llorca, Concepción Saiz García (Hg.), Propiedad intelectual y mercado único digital europeo, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 2019, 27 - 71 (gemeinsam mit Giancarlo Frosio, Oleksandr Bulayenko).

Case notes

Geiger, Christophe Joint comment of the decisions of the ICSID, 16 March 2017, Eli Lilly and Company v. Canada, and 8 July 2016, Philip Morris Brands Sarl, Philip Moris Products SA and ABAL Hermanos SA v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay Propriétés intellectuelles 71 (2019), 124 - 126.

Case notes

Geiger, Christophe Joint comment of CJEU, 6 March 2018, Slowakische Republik v Achmea BV, and Opinion of the Advocate General Yves Bot, 29 January 2019 in Avis 1/17 initiated by the Kingdom of Belgium Propriétés intellectuelles 71 (2019), 126 - 128.

Contributions to collected editions

Blasetti, Roxana Carmen Las indicaciones geográficas en el marco de los Tratados de Libre Comercio: la negociación UE-MERCOSUR in: Salvador D. Bergel, Sandra C. Negro (Hg.), Propiedad Intelectual, Presente y Futuro, B de F, Buenos Aires 2019, 49 - 72.

Contributions to collected editions

Finck, Michele Foreword in: Gregor Dorfleitner, Lars Hornuf (Hg.), FinTech and Data Privacy in Germany, Springer, Cham 2019, V - VI.


Kur, Annette European Intellectual Property Law - Text, Cases and Materials 2. Aufl., Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2019, LXII + 559 S. (gemeinsam mit Thomas Dreier, Stefan Luginbuehl).