5901 publications found.
Contributions to collected editions
Moscon, Valentina "Etica della virtù": una rilettura della riforma del copyright canadese, traduzione italiana di D. Lametti, How Virtue Ethics Might Help Erase C-32’s Conceptual Incoherence in: Michael Geist (Hg.), From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda, Irwin Law, Toronto 2010, 309 (gemeinsam mit Giulia Dore).
Journal articles
Botta, Marco The Definition of the Relevant Market and the Degree of Market Concentration in the Emerging Economies. Case Study on Brazil and Argentina World competition 33, 4 (2010), 663 - 682.
Journal articles
Botta, Marco La Protezione dei Dati Personali nelle Relazioni tra UE e USA, Le Negoziazioni sul Trasferimento del PNR Diritto dell'Informazione e dell'Informatica 26, 2 (2010), 315 - 341 (gemeinsam mit Mario Viola de Azevedo Cunha).
Journal articles
Karova, Rozeta Five Years of Enforcement of the Competition Law in the Republic of Macedonia, Time for an Assessment Mediterranean Competition Bulletin (published by DG Competition of the European Commission) 2 (2010), 56 - 72 (gemeinsam mit Marco Botta).
Journal articles
Botta, Marco El Poder Judicial y la Ley 25.156: Conflictos de Jurisdicción y Falta de Comprensión a una Década de la Aprobación de la Ley Boletín Latinoamericano de Competencia (Latin American Competition Bulletin published by DG Competition of the European Commission) 27 (2010), 12 - 26.2010.
Journal articles
Gonzalez Otero, Begoña Organización Europea de Patents: cambios en el Reglamento del CPE Actas de derecho industrial y derecho de autor 30 (2010).
Gonzalez Otero, Begoña Rezension von: El Derecho Mercantil en el umbral del siglo XXI: Libro Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Carlos Fernández Nóvoa en su octogésimo cumpleaños, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2010 Actas de derecho Industrial y derecho de Autor 31 (2010), 1010 - 1011.
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Commission of Experts for Research and Competition; Achleitner, Ann-Christin; Allmendinger, Jutta; Gerybadze, Alexander; Harhoff, Dietmar; Llerena, Patrick; Luther, Joachim (Hg.) (2010). Report - Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany. Berlin: EFI.
Contributions to collected editions
Blasetti, Roxana Carmen Las Indicaciones Geográficas y otras cuestiones vinculadas a la negociación agrícola: el medio ambiente y la patentabilidad de la materia viva in: Carlos María Correa (Hg.), Comercio Internacional: del GATT a la OMC, EUDEBA, Buenos Aires 2010, 523 - 570.
Research Papers
Kur, Annette Sweet Smells and a Sour Taste - The ECJ's L'Oréal decision (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper, No. 09-12), 2009, 6 S. (gemeinsam mit Lionel F. Bently, Ansgar Ohly).