5899 publications found.
Contributions to collected editions
Drexl, Josef The Competition Dimension of the European Regulation of Public Sector Information and the Concept of an Undertaking in: Josef Drexl, Vicente Bagnoli (Hg.), State-Initiated Restraints of Competition (ASCOLA competition law), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2015, 64 - 100.
Contributions to collected editions
Geiger, Christophe Overcoming the Copyright Crisis: What Fundamental Rights can add to the Debate in: José Carlos Costa Netto et al. (Hg.), Direito Autoral Contemporâneo, Volume I, Elsevier Editora, Rio de Janeiro 2015, 333.
Contributions to festschriften
Geiger, Christophe Adaptando as "exceções" aos direitos de autor ao ambiente digital: a busca por diretrizes principiológicas in: Direito Civil, Estudos Em Homenagem A José de Oliveira Ascensão, Vol. 1, Editora Atlas, São Paolo 2015, 226.
Collected editions
Geiger, Christophe (Hg.) Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property (Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2015, XXIV + 727 S.
Contributions to handbooks
Geiger, Christophe Understanding the 'Three-Step Test' in: Daniel Gervais (Hg.), Research Handbook on International Intellectual Property Law (Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property Series), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2015, 167 - 189 (gemeinsam mit Daniel Gervais, Martin Senftleben).
Contributions to handbooks
Geiger, Christophe Implementing Intellectual Property Provisions in Human Rights Instruments: Towards a New Social Contract for Protection of Intangibles in: Christophe Geiger (Hg.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property (Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2015, 661 - 689.
Conference papers
Picht, Peter „Stifterwille" im angelsächsischen Recht - Eine vergleichende Betrachtung am Beispiel von family firm trust und unternehmensverbundener Stiftung in: Europäisches Institut für Rechtspsychologie (Hg.), Der Stifterwille - Ein Phänomen zwischen Gegenwart und Ewigkeit ( Schriften zur Rechtspsychologie, 14), Stämpfli, Bern 2015, 199 - 228.
Contributions to collected editions
Geiger, Christophe Comment of the decision of the ECtHR (Grand Chamber) of 11 January 2007, "Anheuser-Busch" in: Michel Vivant (Hg.), Les grands arrêts de la propriété intellectuelle (Grands arrêts), 2. Aufl., Dalloz, Paris 2015, 19.
Contributions to collected editions
Geiger, Christophe Comment of the decision of the ECtHR, 10 January 2013, "Ashby Donald" in: Michel Vivant (Hg.), Les grands arrêts de la propriété intellectuelle (Grands arrêts), 2. Aufl., Dalloz, Paris 2015, 19.
Contributions to collected editions
Geiger, Christophe Introduction in: Christophe Geiger (Hg.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2015, 1 - 5.