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4838 publications found.


Lamping, Matthias Patentschutz und Marktmacht (Schriftenreihe zum gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, 169), Carl Heymanns, Köln 2010, XXVII + 508 S.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe L’Arrangement de Lisbonne, un véhicule pour l’internationalisation du droit des indications géographiques? Propriétés intellectuelles 35 (2010), 691 - 697 (gemeinsam mit Daniel Gervais et al.).

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Fundamental Rights – No Tools to Correct the Structural Imbalance of IPRs IPRInfo 2 (2010), 28 (gemeinsam mit Juha Karhu).

Journal articles

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning The Role of Atypical Acts in EU External Trade and Intellectual Property Policy European Journal of International Law 21, 4 (2010), 901 - 939 (gemeinsam mit Thomas Jaeger, Robert Kordic).

Contributions to collected editions

Straus, Joseph The Impact of the New World Order on Economic Development: The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights System in: Anuario Andino de derechos intelectuales, Bd. 6, Palestra Ed., Lima 2010, 59 - 73.

Journal articles

Moscon, Valentina La rappresentazione informatica dei diritti, tra contratto e diritto d’autore (Computer languages, contracts and copyright law) Ciberspazio e diritto 2010, 587.

Journal articles

Moscon, Valentina La “giustizia” del sinallagma contrattuale è rilevante per l’ordinamento giuridico? (Bona fides in contract law) In Pactum 1 (2010), 20.

Journal articles

Moscon, Valentina Anti-Piracy Measures Outweigh Private Copying Newsletter in IRIS 1 (2010).

Journal articles

Moscon, Valentina The Italian Google Verdict Newsletter in IRIS 6 (2010).

Contributions to commentaries

Hilty, Reto M. Kommentierung von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. d in: Marc Amstutz, Mani Reinert (Hg.), Kartellgesetz, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2010, 577 - 588.