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4851 publications found.

Contributions to collected editions

Geiger, Christophe The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement and Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property: What Consequences for the European Union? in: Jan Rosen (Hg.), Intellectual Property at the Crossroads of Trade (ATRIP Intellectual Property series ), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2012, 167.

Contributions to collected editions

Geiger, Christophe Le dispositif juridique français de lutte contre le téléchargement sur les réseaux ‘peer-to-peer’: une volonté préventive affichée, une solution répressive retenue in: Carine Doutrelepont, François Dubuisson, Alain Strowel (Hg.), Le téléchargement d'oeuvres sur internet - Perspectives en droits belge, francais, européen et international, Larcier, Bruxelles 2012, 65.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Weakening Multilateralism in Intellectual Property Lawmaking: A European Perspective on ACTA The WIPO Journal 3, 2 (2012), 166.

Research Papers

Geiger, Christophe The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA): A Comprehensive Assessment from a European Perspective” - Assessment Paper for the Committee on International Trade (INTA), Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament 2012.

Contributions to handbooks

Geiger, Christophe Introduction in: Christophe Geiger (Hg.), Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2012, 1 - 8.

Collected editions

Hilty, Reto M. (Hg.) Balancing Copyright - A Survey of National Approaches (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 18), Springer, Berlin 2012, IX + 1093 S. (gemeinsam mit Sylvie Nérisson).

Contributions to collected editions

Hilty, Reto M. Overview in: Reto M. Hilty, Sylvie Nérisson (Hg.), Balancing Copyright - A Survey of National Approaches (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 18), Springer, Berlin 2012, 1 - 78 (gemeinsam mit Sylvie Nérisson).

Contributions to collected editions

Nérisson, Sylvie Ownership of Copyright and Investment Protection Rights in Teams and Networks - Need for new Roles? in: Jan Rosén (Hg.), Individualism And Collectiveness In Intellectual Property Law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2012, 128 - 146.

Contributions to collected editions

Jaeger, Thomas The Present and Future of European Patent Jurisdiction in: Reto M. Hilty, Chung-Kung Liu (Hg.), The Enforcement of Patents - comparing the Asian, European and American Experiences (Max Planck Series of Asian Intellectual Property Law, 16 ), Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn 2012, 433 - 452.

Contributions to collected editions

Jaeger, Thomas Wesentliche Legislativakte und ausgewählte Anwendungspraxis in: Thomas Jaeger, Birgit Haslinger (Hg.), Jahrbuch Beihilferecht 2012, NWV, Wien 2012, 15 - 221 (gemeinsam mit Birgit Rumersdorfer et al.).