
Extended search  

5871 publications found.

Newspaper articles

Hilty, Reto M. Patente sichern schnelle Impfung FAZ 23.02.2021, 16.

Research Papers

Blasetti, Roxana Carmen Intellectual Property in the EU–MERCOSUR FTA: A Brief Review of the Negotiating Outcomes of a Long-Awaited Agreement (Research Paper / South Centre, 128), South Centre, Geneva 2021, 44 S. (gemeinsam mit Juan I. Correa).

Articles in Refereed Journals

Probst, Benedict; Westermann, Lotte; Anadón, Laura Díaz; Kontoleon, Andreas (2021). Leveraging Private Investment to Expand Renewable Power Generation: Evidence on Financial Additionality and Productivity Gains from Uganda World Development, 140.

Research Papers

Hilty, Reto M. International Instrument on Permitted Uses in Copyright Law and Explanatory Notes (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 21-06), 2021 (gemeinsam mit Kaya Köklü et al.).

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Watzinger, Martin; Nagler, Markus; Wernsdorf, Kathrin (2021). Wie Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien die Zusammenarbeit fördern und innovative Ideen ermöglichen, Ökonomenstimme 2021.


Richter, Heiko Stellungnahme zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des E-Government-Gesetzes und zur Einführung des Gesetzes für die Nutzung von Daten des öffentlichen Sektors vom 17.12.2020 2021, 20 S.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Scheuerer, Stefan Artificial Intelligence and Unfair Competition – Unveiling an Underestimated Building Block of the AI Regulation Landscape Oxford Business Law Blog 2021.

Research Papers

Finck, Michele Reviving Purpose Limitation and Data Minimisation in Personalisation, Profiling and Decision-Making Systems (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 21-04), 2021, 40 S. (gemeinsam mit Asia Biega).

Discussion Papers

Epstein, Jordan; Nicholson, Sean; Wang, Lucy Xiaolu; Hempstead, Katherine; Asin, Sam (2021). The Secret Menu in Health Care: A Market for Imaging in California Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 21-05.

Journal articles

Lu, Tian The Implementation of Blockchain Technologies in Chinese Courts Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy 4.1 (2021), 102 - 120 04.01.2021.