4851 publications found.
Contributions to collected editions
Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Proportionality and Balancing within the Objectives of Intellectual Property Protection in: Paul Torremanns (Hg.), Intellectual Property and Human Rights. Enhanced Edition of Copyright and Human Rights (Information Law Series, 18), Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Austin 2008, 161 - 194.
Contributions to collected editions
Geiger, Christophe The Constitutional Dimension of Intellectual Property in: Paul Torremans (Hg.), Intellectual Property and Human Rights. Enhanced Edition of Copyright and Human Rights (Information Law Series, 18), Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Austin 2008, 101 - 131.
Contributions to collected editions
Geiger, Christophe Irrtum: Schranken des Urheberrechts sind Ausnahmebestimmungen und sind restriktiv auszulegen in: Mathis Berger, Sandro Macciacchini (Hg.), Populäre Irrtümer im Urheberrecht - Festschrift für Reto M. Hilty, Schulthess, Zürich 2008, 77 - 100.
Contributions to collected editions
Ganea, Peter People’s Republic of China (Chapter 8) in: Silke von Lewinski (Hg.), Copyright Throughout the World (Losebl.-Ausg.), Bd. 1, West, Eagan, Minn. 2008, 1 - 108.
Contributions to collected editions
Ganea, Peter TRIPS als Innovationsmotor? in: Martin Eifert, Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem (Hg.), Geistiges Eigentum und Innovation. [Gießener Tagung] (Innovation und Recht, 1), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2008, 107 - 122.
Contributions to handbooks
Drexl, Josef Is There a ‘More Economic Approach’ to Intellectual Property and Competition Law? in: Josef Drexl (Hg.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2008, 27 - 53.
Contributions to collected editions
Drexl, Josef IP in Bilateral Trade Agreements. Some Ideas on How They Promote Market Power and Distort International Competition in: Gustavo Ghidini, Luis Mariano Genovesi (Hg.), Intellectual Property and Market Power. ATRIP Papers 2006 - 2007, Eudeba, Buenos Aires 2008, 525 - 540.
Contributions to collected editions
Drexl, Josef Intellectual Property Rights as Constituent Elements of a Competition-based Market Economy in: Gustavo Ghidini, Luis Mariano Genovesi (Hg.), Intellectual Property and Market Power. ATRIP Papers 2006-2007, Eudeba, Buenos Aires 2008, 167 - 178.
Contributions to collected editions
Drexl, Josef The Relationship Between the Legal Exclusivity and Economic Market Power. Links and Limits in: Inge Govaere, Hanns Ullrich (Hg.), Intellectual Property, Market Power and the Public Interest (College of Europe studies, 8), Lang, Brüssel 2008, 13 - 33.
Contributions to festschriften
Drexl, Josef Intellectual property and competition: Sketching a competition-oriented reform of TRIPs in: Festskrift till Marianne Levin, Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 2008, 261 - 280.