5870 publications found.
Kommentar zu den Art. 4, 5 des Übereinkommens über ein Einheitliches Patentgericht - EPÜG in: Stefan Luginbühl, Aloys Hüttermann (
Zum Proprium der Immaterialgüterrechtswissenschaft: Lehren aus der Odyssee des EU-Datenbankherstellerrechts in: Kreation Innovation Märkte - Creation Innovation Markets - Festschrift Reto M. Hilty, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2024, 997 - 1012.
Creating an Effective Mediation Scheme for Business-Related Human Rights Abuses: The Case of Ukraine Business and Human Rights Journal: Special Issue: Business and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. Region in Transition 9, 1 (2024), 129 - 149 (
Net Neutrality & Big Tech: Diverging Trends in (De)regulatory Times (forthcoming) MPI Research Series 2024,.2024.
§ 4 - Kartellrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen in: Louis Pahlow (
Sürdürülebilir Gıda Sistemlerini Gerçekten Konuştuğumuz Bir COP Geride Kaldı - Interview EKOIQ: Tarihi Kazanım Mı, Yeni bir Hezimet Mi? COP28 109 (2023), 75 - 77 (
Industrial Data Sharing and Data Readiness: A Law and Economics Perspective European Journal of Law and Economics 2023.
(2023).The Ethics and Behavioral Economics of Human-AI Interactions (Frontiers in Behavioral Economics - Special Issue 2) 2023.